I’ve Fallen In Love (with an E-Bike, Silly)

The ongoing saga of a man and his electric bicycle

Eric Heller
6 min readMar 9, 2020

Well, after way too much research, much of it at this awesome site, and also after driving most of the people in my life a little crazy, I took the plunge and bought an electric bike. I picked it up a few weeks ago.

And I think it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

I recently wrote about the joy of e-bikes for Better Humans (“How an E-Bike Got Me off the Couch and Back in Love with Exercise”). I’ve been shouting into the void here at Medium for a while, but that article got some serious read counts (due to the terrific Better Humans, no doubt). A few people reached out separately to ask more about the experience, if I might provide some updates along the way, and especially wanted to know which e-bike I ended up actually purchasing. So, from my keyboard to yours, here we go.

The E-bike For Me — Specialized Turbo Vado 3.0

I found the whole e-bike decision very daunting — there’s an overload of online information, and you have to read between the lines somewhat. We seem to have an inherent bias towards the things we love, and can be very insistent that others share our view. It’s a nice human trait, in a way, but you need to be wary. So, this is not a product endorsement (and I don’t get $paid if you click the link); it’s just what worked for me.

