A Flavorful Tortellini, No Sauce. Getting Some Ideas for the Woodshop.

Montis Boeher
4 min readSep 6, 2024


Some outside time today. Completely gorgeous day.

In my garden. Boom! Orange peppers! I’m seeing some stuffed peppers on the menu this month.

And I got started on deconstructing the woodshed after the tree limb smashed it. Unfortunately (and due to my overengineering) the log wall will need to be demo-ed. I had hoped to find a way to salvage it but now it’s just coming down.

The good news on this is that I figured out how I’m going to convert it as the platform, table, and rear wall are all still sturdy.

Shit happens, yo.

I think I’m going to make a trip to Habitat for Humanity this month and check on some ideas to putting a roof on that sumbitch and expand my storage space. And I’m thinking of a small ramp in front. With Fall coming it will be temperate enough out to build something. There was just no way I was going to build anything with the summer heat as bad as it was.

Let’s start dinner with flavoring a pan with some onions. I started slow and low.

And we’ll follow that with some cut ham and semi-clarified garlic butter.

Turn up the heat to medium.

My sister left behind this bottle of wine from Labor Day and I really liked it. Today I used it to finish off my tortellini.

The tortellini is fresh pasta (bought, not my handmade stuff) so it went into the water for 4 minutes as I got the pan browned. These next steps go QUICK. So be careful if you do this.

The tortellini gets drained and goes in and stirring starts expeditiously. Once the water on the pasta evaporates it will want to stick to the pan. So SUPER DUPER FAST!

See that browning? That’s what we want. Now time for the wine, onions and the rest of my ham.

Once the wine hits the pan you can turn down the heat. No more worries about sticking at this point.

Here ya go. No sauce needed because we did the work to get that tortellini good and flavored and tomorrow we’ll have a cold pasta salad as our side dish. Doesn’t that sound nice?

We’ll end on a little good news. I got my work bonus today, two weeks early. And that always comes with a week off. I’ll make a trip to the store this weekend and we’ll cook something a bit exotic for a recipe this week.

Fun right? You all have something to look forward to now.



Montis Boeher
Montis Boeher

Written by Montis Boeher

I cook. I build. I garden. I draw things. I write things. I like things. I read things. Have things. Things you like. Things are good. Make things.

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