Deer Ass. Fried Green Tomatoes. Southern Sausage. Some Southern Baggage.
After finishing work last night I noticed some movement outside and went to check it out with a flashlight.
I found a bunch of deer munching by moonlight.
I had the light right on her and she could not have cared less. Just stuck her ass in my direction and continued to eat.
“Yeah, yeah, take your pictures, buddy. You think I’m gonna stop eating this here delicious clover yer nuts.”
I took a good long walk before dinner tonight. I hadn’t been through town in a while. Nothing’s changed, just good to get out for a little bit.
I mentioned that local pork sausage I picked up this week on last night’s post. It’s the same salty, spicy kind I got a few months back. I wanted to southernify (It’s a word, shut up) the heck out of dinner tonight. Something Mamaw would be proud of.
I had a nice sized green tomato from the garden. That’s a good start. I soaked it after slicing in some sugar and apple cider vinegar. I’ve got my cheese grits going on the back burner.
While that soaked I started on some onions low and slow in butter and salt. I’ll be cooking my sausage with the onions later.
Standard fry station set up. AP flour, eggs, then the last bowl is self-rising corn meal with a little salt.
The tomatoes were cut thin so a shallow fry is fine. Don’t wander off, they go quick.
The onions have been going for about 30 minutes at this point. I turned up the heat and put in my sausages.
Once the sausages were browned I finished them in the oven for 10 minutes at 375f. Mushrooms took their place in the pan.
And now we dress it all pretty-like. The fried green tomatoes get a honey mustard drizzle and garnished with dill. All served over the grits with a drop biscuit on the side.
I was talking to Goodport at badgerlowplace about world famous Mama Dip’s Kitchen and the wonderful Mildred Council yesterday and I think this would be worthy of her table.
If I had some fried okra on this I’d be in redneck heaven.
This is super simple once you know how to prepare each of the separate parts. Bringing it all together at the end is no problem.
You may have noticed the lack of hot sauce on this dish and it’s simply due to the fact that the sausage is spicy enough and needed no boost of heat.
I know Southernization is a political term, generally negatively connotated.
So that’s why I prefer to use southernify. No baggage.