Market Extravaganza. A Tree Came Down. A Failed Experiment.
Man, I LOVE end of season farmer’s markets. All the deals to be had. The eggs were 2 bucks! I found my okra for some gumbo, some salad mix, pea shoots and some black beets for roasting.
And of course some more baby bok choi.
I’m looking forward to pulling some tricks with these beets. Soups and coloring experiments are definitely happening.
Maybe coloring some pasta?
I couldn’t put off the storm clean up any longer. So many fallen sticks and branches the whole grouping of trees was sagging towards the ground. I figured I’d just take down three of the crepe Myrtle and that might solve it.
I cut down the largest first. After a few minutes waddayaknow? Most of the junk came down with it. I’ll get in there with the clippers this week and clean it up a little and I think that’ll be good.
I did a little experiment to see if I could puff up a frittata today. It didn’t really work well but it tasted delicious. I cubed some cold butter and rolled it in AP flour and put it in my egg mixture just before putting it in the oven. The flour was to help the butter float a little and not just sink to the bottom.
Out of the oven it was GIGANTIC!!!
And after a 10 minute rest it fell as usual.
Puffy? No. Flakey? Indeed. Buttery? Amazingly so.
As I told you guys yesterday, I was excited to the illustration assignment I got this week. I started it last night and worked on it through the day when I wasn’t outside. I got the go ahead to share it here and I’ll post it independently on Bluesky.
I’m guessing about 13–15 hours total, last night through today. It was worth a few extra cups of coffee to get it done this evening.
There’s no guarantee changes won’t be requested but this is where it is today and that’s a good day’s work. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed it gets approved.