A cool digital portrait just for you

2 min readApr 27, 2020

I’ve actually been a real fan of art in general, one would say that the feeling of having a great artwork around makes your inner self to be at peace.

For this reason i mostly go with the new trend of art, which is digital artworks. which are also very accessible wherever you happen to be at any place, and with Fiver being one of the best online Freelancing sites its obvious i turned my face to that path. And in a time where we are spending more time with our loge ones, who cool is it for you to get a digital illustration of yourself or loved ones.

Here are some cool Digital portraits that i found on fiver at a very affordable prices that you can also opt for at the moment. follow the link below to get to the Gig.

here are some of the awesome portraits done by the artist

such a sublime illustration

In the picture above it could be seen that that its genuinely an illustration and not a filter as some may use.

every bit of detail counts for this artist making your digital portrait very unique to you.

these are just a tip of the iceberg. The artist also have a page on Facebook and Instagram :Centurion_Art you can also check out this artist.




An artist and a freelancer who specializes in animations and cartooning, and also logo designing