Visit to troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving

Another Overheard Coffee Shop Conversation Does Not Bode Well For Trump

It was an early-morning construction crew coffee klatch that first convinced us Trump might have a shot in 2016. The chatter we just heard today is he may finally have gone too far…

Eric J Scholl
The Chaos Report
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019


Back then it was:

If he can deal with New York City unions, he’ll for sure be able to deal with Congress.”

This time it was about “this military thing”. And the people we overheard were two couples who were seated together. Two men, two women. When one of the women brought up the issue of politics, everyone groaned loudly. (Which is what got us to zero in on their conversation, which until then we’d only listened to peripherally, and seemed to be about comparing doctors they’re seeing and what meds they’re on.) But don’t go thinking we’re some kind of privacy-invading weirdos. Number one, if you’re in a packed coffee shop, you can’t help but listen to what everybody else is talking about (it’s either that or the voices in your head — jk!). Number two, if you haven’t noticed, the weather (pretty much anywhere you are in the country) is terrible and we weren’t about to slink out into the freezing rain and wind without getting at least a fair amount of coffee in us. And number…



Eric J Scholl
The Chaos Report

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"