Official Lockheed Martin photo of F-35 fighter jet, which NATO ally Turkey might not now be getting

While Iran Is Very Much On The Front Burner, There’s Another Military-Related Conflict That May Be About To Boil Over…

That involves Turkey’s decision to buy a missile defense system from Russia instead of the U.S., and Trump’s escalating attempts to mete out punishment for that…

Dialogue & Discourse
6 min readJun 21, 2019


Update: The opposition candidate, Ekrem Imamoglu won as Mayor of Istanbul for the 2nd time, and this time by a much bigger margin, taking 54% of the vote. This time his opponent representing the ruling party conceded, and Turkey’s President Erdogan congratulated the victor, signaling at least for now there won’t be an attempt to do over the do-over. Still, it’s a blow to Erdogan, and a victory for Democracy, at least for today.

What seems like the increasingly imminent possibility of a strike against Iran, and the Republican-controlled Senate voting to block Trump’s “emergency” arms sales to Saudi Arabia are very much on the front burner these days, so it’s easy to look past another military-related conflict long-simmering in the back…

President Trump apparently — after initially approving it — called off a strike against Iran to retaliate for shooting down a U.S. drone late last night, at the last moment. (We’re not trying to egg…



Eric J Scholl
Dialogue & Discourse

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report"