Open Letter to the Editors on the Recent Coverage of Amy Klobuchar
Former Staffers on coverage of Amy Klobuchar
We previously worked for Senator Klobuchar and some of us were among the former staffers contacted by the New York Times and other media outlets to share our experiences about working in her office. Unfortunately, the positive anecdotes and stories we experienced have not been fully reported by the Times and other media. We do not believe these reports adequately describe our thoughts on Amy Klobuchar, many of which we shared with the authors.
Amy would be there for us after a loss in the family or help make an important call instrumental to our careers. She’d celebrate our professional accomplishments and be part of our lives, whether it was dancing at our weddings or visiting us after we brought our newborns home. She was there for us in the hard times, too. And at the office, she pushed us to be better professionals and public servants. We remain grateful for our time in Senator Klobuchar’s office and still consider Amy a mentor and friend. Sadly, this was not fully conveyed in the recent news reports.
- Ben Alsdurf
- Lane Ayres
- Jonathan Becker
- Gabe Bluestone
- Greg Bohrer
- Paula Breuer
- David Brown
- Tristan Brown
- Francesca Capodilupo
- Deb Calvert
- Mark Chapin
- Sam Clark
- Ross Corson
- Sarah Elkins Craighill
- Kali Cruz
- Aram Desteian
- Dave Frederickson
- Matt Freeman
- Tamara Fucile
- Kayla Gardner
- Christopher Garcia
- Erick Garcia Luna
- Becky Groen
- David Hough
- Andrew Hu
- Jim Jacobson
- Craig Kalkut
- Nick Kimball
- Anne Knapke
- Megan Lahr
- Andy LeFevour
- Martin Ludden
- Matt Manning
- Christi Mayer
- Andrea Mokros
- Tim Molino
- Martin Munic
- Erika Nelson
- Howard Orenstein
- Naveen Parmar
- Tom Perron
- Charlie Poster
- Hannah Quinn
- Joe Radosevich
- Sean Richardson
- Zach Rodvold
- Dan Rogan
- Kaleb Rumicho
- Asal Sayas
- C. Scott Cooper
- Jon Schweitzer
- Susan Segal
- Kristin Sharp
- Megan Scannell Sharp
- Lee Sheehy
- Jake Spano
- Zack Stephenson
- Jake Sullivan
- Rose Sullivan
- Tom Sullivan
- Lolita Ulloa
- Mychal Vlatkovich
- Tommy Walker
- Jodie Wierimaa
- Emma Youngquist
- Paul Zygmunt