Erick Godsey
1 min readJun 8, 2017


This was an incredible read. I admit that I felt the power and value from the article but I left it a little overwhelmed, not knowing where to start.

I think a concrete way to help readers implement this is for you to pick a specific example, like a monday, and walk us through, with pictures, how you interact with your journal. This may end up being it’s own post altogether.

As an aside, there is a cognitive psychology concept called “cognitive fluency.” It’s basically about how easily information is absorbed by a person. I can’t recall the specifics, but listening is something like 100x easier for humans to process than reading. So creating a video where you basically “create” your journal (recording of you designing the pages and filling out a monday or something), and narrate the reasoning laid out in this article, would be an incredible piece of content you may be able to use as a email magnet or something similar.

Thank you for this post brother. It was epic.

