Getting started with Weather Agenda

Join the beta testing!

Erick Sanchez
3 min readSep 5, 2019

Do you look at the weather before picking your outfit every day? Does your day-job include commuting or flying to different cities? Well, we got something that will speed up your wardrobe!

Weather Agenda gives you a glanceable overview of the weather in each city you’ll be visiting for the current day. In this story, we’ll go over setting up your agenda and how to customize it.

Importing your calendar

Weather Agenda builds your daily agenda using the calendars shown in the Apple Calendar app. So, if you have email accounts synced to the Calendar app, Weather Agenda will include this into your agenda.

To import your calendar into Weather Agenda, simply tap Allow access when prompted during the first time you open the app:

You’re done! If you did not hit Allow access, you can still give access by visiting the Settings app, scroll down to your installed apps and look for Weather Agenda. Here you’ll see privacy settings for Calendar:

Wala! Your weather agenda is built automatically

Now that you’ve granted access to reading your calendar, your weather agenda is built based on calendar events!

Understanding a Weather Agenda Item

Each agenda item, or calendar event, will display a weather condition (sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc.), temperature, wind speeds, and the chance of rain.

Tapping on an agenda item will present the calendar event details. You can edit the event from here as well.

If an agenda item’s start and end times are two hours or more apart, the weather for the end time will be included:

There are two important details about each calendar event that needs to be valid for your weather agenda to be built properly:

  • address of the event
  • start and end times of the event

If an address of a calendar event is missing or invalid, the agenda item for this event will display blank information for the weather:

Here we see Lunch has no weather showing. This is because this calendar event has no address

You can tap on agenda items with missing or invalid addresses and add them within the app.

Selecting which calendars to include in your weather agenda

Since your weather agenda is built from all the calendars shown in the Calendar app, you may not want to include all of these calendars into your agenda but perhaps a smaller set of them.

Within Weather Agenda, tap on the Settings icon on the top-left corner and look for the Visible Calendars option. Here, you can select which calendars to include in your weather agenda.

At the moment, you can also change the unit for displaying the temperature. In the future, more customization will be supported such as wind speeds.

