Adding Test Coverage to your NodeJS app with Istanbul, TravisCI, and Codecov

Erick Zhao
2 min readOct 22, 2017


A little background: over the past couple weeks, I’ve been working on invite-contributors, a GitHub app that leverages the Probot framework to allow organizations to automatically invite new contributors into their organization.

It’s actually my first foray into deploying a Node app, and I wanted to be like the cool kids and make sure my code quality was adequate by writing tests (even though I currently have <100 LOC in total).

I used Mocha and Expect to test my code (they’re the defaults for Probot), and decided I wanted to include a test coverage reporter into my continuous integration flow (which was deploying to Heroku whenever my TravisCI build passed).

I decided to use to integrate code coverage with my GitHub repo based on the fact that it had a cute browser extension that integrates into GitHub (didn’t really think to much about it). Codecov in turn recommended Istanbul to generate coverage reports locally.

To actually run Istanbul, I used nyc (Istanbul’s official CLI), which integrates well with Mocha (or any other test runner, so I’ve heard). Running tests with Mocha and getting a coverage report with nyc is as easy as running nyc mocha .

I also decided to split my Travis build into two different scripts in my package.json :

  1. test runs all Mocha tests locally and reports how much LoC coverage you have (entirely locally).
  2. report-coverage packages the report and sends the information to Codecov.
// package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "nyc mocha",
"report-coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov"

…in the .travis.yml , simply add both scripts to your build:

// .travis.yml...
- npm run test
- npm run report-coverage

…and don’t forget to add reports generated by nyc to your .gitignore :

// .gitignore...

This works pretty smoothly for me so far. Now, I can still run npm test to make sure that new code functions as intended, and every Travis build sends updated code coverage information to Codecov.



Erick Zhao

Software Engineering student from Montreal. I like making stuff on the web.