Movie Review — A Plastic Ocean

4 min readMar 21, 2022


“A plastic Ocean” is a movie release in 2016 however started filiming since 2011. The movie director Craig Lesson, also an adventurer and a journalist decide to film a documentary for the elusive blue whale.

The reason why he started filming is because when is 8 years old he can’t believe that there is such a big creature on Earth, bigger than anything then he could imagine, so his dream is to film a documentary for this creature when he grow up.

Dr. Lindsay Porter, a cetacean expert. Ben Fogle, royal geographical society. These are two important charchter to help come Craig, Dr. Lindsay is a expert in whales, so she can provide a lot of informations for the team and Ben Fogle once row a boat across the Atlantic meaning he have a sense of adventure. During the searching of dolphin and whales there are some tips that need to remember so you find them, but knowing the tips doesn’t mean you can find them faster. Because when you hear the dolphins in the water it doesn’t mean they are around you, they would be far away from where you are.

Tanya Streeter, the first woman to break a men’s sports world record, she claims that for her whole life she have spend a lot of time swimming in the ocean, until the recent 10 years she notices that there are more and more plastics entering the ocean. Half of the plastic entering the ocean are “disposable”, meaning there are only used once and thrown away after it which creates a huge waste.

During the movie I am shock that the amount of trash that have entered the ocean is far more than we can imagine. Normally we think that the plastic that are floating on the ocean is already too much, but once the team goes to the bottom of the ocean there’s much more plastics than on the surface of the ocean. Not adding the effect that gyre brings and micro plastics.

The plastic has enter the food chain of marine life, during the filming the crew captures some dead fish floating on the ocean. When they cut the stomach of all the fish they have captured, their stomach are all full of plastics, which is also the reason what causes them death. This also means that plastic has enter humans food chain because we also eat fishes from the ocean and what fishes eat in the ocean now is mostly plastic and this situation will only become more and more terrible. Not to mention shellfish, when you eat shellfish you eat the entire animal meaning you eat 100% plastic becasue nowadays most shellfish are feed in water polluted by plastic.

Seabirds as well, because most of their food come from the ocean, so when the mother seabirds look for food in the ocean and bring it back for her children she could possibly bring plastic back to her children and accidentally killed them.

In the movie, many scientists state out that the only way to solve plastic pollution is by starting from human’s lifestyle and behavior, althouth we can turn plastic into other material to reuse them, but the amount of plastic human produce per day and per year will only increase. In many area, people are forced to live at places full of plastic, using water that is polluted by plastic because there are no more places to store all the waste human creates, in some part of the movie people even burn plastics to cook food because there’s just too many of them and they are much more cheaper than woods.

Our life is strongly connected with plastic just because they are so cheap and easy to get. For instant, when we go to mall basically everything we see is packaged in plastic and made out of plastic, when we go to restaurants to buy foods for take away everything is also packaged in plastic as well because they are just too cheap and there’re no regulations against it.

At the end of the ending, many countries and companies are thinking ways to fight against plastics. In a town at Texas they have ban plastic and use paper bags or straws, the city look whole lot different from every other city that continues to use plastic. Companies also think of ways by using technology to burn down plastic and turn them into fossil fuels that can actually be used. However, the speed of human making plastic and throwing away plastic is just too fast.

I would highly recommend this movie, although the movie’s introduction seems like it is achieving the directors dream to film whales, but what the film is actually about is plastic pollution. In this movie I have seen a lot of scene about plastic floating on oceans, bottom of the sea, around houses that people live, and even inside animals. The issue plastic pollution has raise a lot of awareness throughout these years making more and more people participating in events that is related to plastic pollution and marine life.

