30 Days with No Alcohol, Day 1: Intentions

I’m 30 years old. I haven’t gone more than a week or so without alcohol since I was 16.

Eric Bowman
4 min readJan 3, 2024
Image by Roberto Vivancos on Pexels

It’s time.

I’ve been marinating on this idea for a while now. It’s time to put it into action and start my goal of going 30 days without a drop of alcohol.

I’ll be going for the whole month of January without it. It’s the 1st of January as I write this, we’re on day 1.

Before we go any further, I feel it’s essential to share the intentions I wrote down for partaking in this 30-day challenge. I will tape this to my wall and use it as a daily reminder for motivation and encouragement.

Reasons I’m kicking the booze for 30 days:

  • To save money
  • To feel better physically and mentally (be healthier)
  • To prove to myself I can do it
  • To accomplish more with music and writing
  • To learn to be more comfortable in social settings without it

Day 1

I’m feeling pretty decent today. Last night was New Year’s Eve and my last night drinking for at least the next 30 days. I don’t feel hungover today (the Pedialyte helped) but I can tell I drank last night.



Eric Bowman

Artist/Writer/Creative Mind. Exploring the way we think. Diving into how to live best with the cards we've been dealt Email: ericm.bowman93@gmail.com