Let’s Play Name That Parent Company!

Alphabet is poised for invisibility. Can you spot these 10 other invisible parent companies?

Eric Mineart


Is Alphabet Larry Page’s own Berkshire Hathaway? Professor James Kwak says no, not yet. I say Alphabet is simply what Google Inc. long should have been: A house of brands.

New Alphabet products will standalone, unencumbered by our existing perception of Google the search engine. No longer will Alphabet mindlessly launch Google endorsed, common noun named, products as an easy substitute for deliberately positioning them.

By embracing invisibility Alphabet joins these successful but mostly invisible parent companies operating houses of recognizable and revenue generating brands. Below are 10 brands or brand families. Can you identify the parent of each? (Answers in notes.)




Eric Mineart

An idea guy writing about better branding and sometimes other things. Not an expert.