Eric S Burdon
Eric S Burdon

My name is Eric Burdon but my pen name is Eric S Burdon so Google search results of me don't always show an old and famous rockstar with the same name as me. I've been writing since 2015 on self-improvement and back then I used to say a lot of things, and now I work on incorporating my knowledge and experiences and learning into my life moving forward.

My ultimate goal in self-improvement is ensure people get effective information on various aspects of their lives and grow from it. I remove the mysticism and focus on personal experiences or research when offering information and thoughts. You also won't be finding "pull you up by your bootstraps" tactics in here.

Join in the journey. I share fascinating articles 3 to 4 times a week, talk about my life, and inject some realistic optimism into humanity with my posts every chance I get.

Or if you're feeling especially generous, follow and support me through Patreon. Once there is enough interest on the page, I'll be offering unique perks to supporters.

Medium member since December 2019
Editor of Purposeful Life
Connect with Eric S Burdon
Eric S Burdon

Eric S Burdon


I write (and sometimes do videos) about self-help for those who don't like self-help. Complete with the occasional memes and riffs on the industry that I love.