What is the most difference between traditional education and modern education? AverickMedia

1 min readJan 6, 2023


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Traditional education is often viewed as outdated and inefficient. Modern education focuses on how students are able to use what they learn in the real world and how they possess necessary skills. Traditional education takes a more hands-on approach. In modern education, much of the work is done by students themselves using laptops, tablets and other devices. A modern education focuses on how to further knowledge, rather than what it means. The most challenging part of this new method is that students are encouraged to explore and think of their own.

The most difference between traditional education and modern education is that in the past, there was more emphasis on memorization and practice of the same information in order to achieve mastery. With the advent of learning software such as Khan Academy, students are given a much broader perspective of how new information is entered into their brains. No longer are students limited to what was learned in their specific courses or even the curriculum within one course. This is just one example of how modern education can improve mental flexibility and allow for greater cognitive development than traditional schools.




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