Switching from VS Code to Sublime Text: A Guide for macOS 10.13.6 Users

Erik Metz
4 min readJun 11, 2024



Background on VS Code and macOS 10.13.6

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has been a popular code editor among developers due to its rich feature set and extensive extension library. However, with recent updates, Microsoft has discontinued support for macOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra), leaving many users searching for alternatives that will continue to receive updates and support.

Personal Note

I have been using my MacBook Pro mid-2010 for 14 years, and it is still fast enough for most tasks. However, some applications no longer run on this machine. As a passionate programmer who doesn’t want to switch hardware, I’ve been looking for an alternative solution to VS Code.

Reasons for Switching to Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a lightweight, high-performance text editor that offers a robust set of features for coding and text manipulation. Given its compatibility with macOS 10.13.6 and its powerful functionality, Sublime Text emerges as a strong alternative to VS Code. Other potential alternatives, such as Zen Text Editor, are not available for macOS 10.13.6, and Atom is no longer actively maintained, making Sublime Text the best choice for users needing to switch due to the discontinuation of VS Code support.

Overview of VS Code’s Discontinuation on macOS 10.13.6

Announcement and Official Statement

Microsoft announced that the latest versions of VS Code will no longer support macOS 10.13.6. This decision aligns with their strategy to leverage newer macOS features and security enhancements that are unavailable in older versions.

Impact on Users

Users of macOS 10.13.6 who rely on VS Code are faced with the challenge of either upgrading their operating system or finding an alternative text editor. For many, upgrading macOS is not a viable option due to hardware limitations or software dependencies, making the switch to a different editor necessary.

Introduction to Sublime Text

Brief History and Features of Sublime Text

Sublime Text, developed by Sublime HQ, has been a preferred text editor for developers since its inception. Known for its speed, simplicity, and powerful features, Sublime Text supports a wide range of programming languages and offers functionalities such as multiple selections, command palette, split editing, and an extensive package ecosystem.

Comparison with VS Code

While both editors are highly capable, Sublime Text is renowned for its performance and low resource consumption. Unlike VS Code, which relies heavily on extensions for additional functionality, Sublime Text comes with a rich set of built-in features and a faster, more responsive interface.

Installing Sublime Text on macOS 10.13.6

System Requirements

Sublime Text is compatible with macOS 10.7 and later, making it a perfect fit for macOS 10.13.6 users.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Download: Visit the Sublime Text website and download the macOS installer.
  2. Install: Open the downloaded .dmg file and drag the Sublime Text icon to the Applications folder.
  3. Launch: Open Sublime Text from the Applications folder.

Setting Up Sublime Text for the First Time

Basic Configuration

Upon first launch, Sublime Text provides a clean, minimalist interface. Users can start coding immediately, but configuring the editor to suit personal preferences can enhance the experience.

Installing Packages and Extensions

  1. Install Package Control: This is the package manager for Sublime Text. Open the console (Ctrl + \`` or Cmd + `), paste the installation script from the [Package Control website](https://packagecontrol.io/installation), and press Enter`.
  2. Install Packages: Open the command palette (Cmd + Shift + P), type Install Package, and select the desired packages to enhance functionality (e.g., Linter, GitGutter).

Migrating from VS Code to Sublime Text

Exporting VS Code Settings and Extensions

  1. Export Settings: Navigate to File > Preferences > Settings in VS Code, copy your settings, and save them in a text file.
  2. List Extensions: Use the command code --list-extensions in the terminal to list installed extensions.

Importing and Configuring Settings in Sublime Text

  1. Preferences: Open Preferences > Settings in Sublime Text and manually transfer relevant settings from your VS Code configuration.
  2. Key Bindings: Customize key bindings via Preferences > Key Bindings.

Recommended Sublime Text Packages for Former VS Code Users

  • LSP: Language Server Protocol support
  • GitGutter: Git integration
  • SidebarEnhancements: Enhanced file operations

Customizing Sublime Text

Themes and Color Schemes

Sublime Text offers numerous themes and color schemes. Install additional themes via Package Control (e.g., Boxy Theme, Material Theme).

Key Bindings and Shortcuts

Customize key bindings by modifying the Default (OSX).sublime-keymap file in Preferences > Key Bindings.

Advanced Configuration Options

Explore Preferences > Settings for advanced configuration options such as tab settings, word wrapping, and more.

Productivity Tips and Tricks

Useful Shortcuts and Commands

  • Command Palette: Cmd + Shift + P for quick access to commands
  • Goto Anything: Cmd + P for file navigation
  • Multiple Selections: Cmd + D to select the next occurrence of the current selection

Utilizing Multi-Selection and Command Palette

Sublime Text’s multi-selection allows simultaneous editing in multiple places. The command palette offers a quick way to access all commands and functions.

Enhancing Workflow with Snippets and Macros

Create custom snippets to automate repetitive code and use macros to record and replay sequences of actions.

Troubleshooting and Support

Common Issues and Solutions

Refer to the Sublime Text documentation for solutions to common issues. The community forums and Stack Overflow are also valuable resources.

Resources for Help and Community Support

  • Official Documentation: Comprehensive guide and FAQ
  • Community Forums: Active discussions and support from other users
  • Stack Overflow: Search for questions tagged with sublimetext


Summary of Benefits of Switching to Sublime Text

Switching to Sublime Text ensures continued support and updates on macOS 10.13.6 while providing a powerful and efficient coding environment. Its speed, customization options, and extensive package ecosystem make it an excellent alternative to VS Code.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

For macOS 10.13.6 users, Sublime Text offers a seamless transition with robust functionality. Embrace the switch to enhance your coding experience while ensuring compatibility and support for your development environment.

