3 min readMay 29, 2016

Airbnb hosts have finally found a way to indulge in their obnoxious hobbies

In the following link, a black man complains about airbnb hosts being racist towards him:

The internet does not show your picture, unless you insist on showing it.

Therefore, in any discriminatable situation, I do not show pictures of myself. I would not see why I would show them, actually.

That is indeed one reason in a long list, why I only work remotely, online. I simply do not accept job offers or service contracts in which I would have to disclose racial information. Let me assure you that I have been doing that for more than a decade and that it works like a charm.

Generally, if the counter-party decides to proceed with an agreement, and then breaks our contract on impermissible grounds, he will obviously face penalties and a bill for the damage, as specified in the T & C of the marketplace in which we execute the trade. In those cases, we do not discuss. We repossess and confiscate only. Been there, done that.

Fundamentally, I believe that anybody has the right to be as racist as he wants, and towards any race of his own choosing. Seriously, being racist is your god-given right. That is certainly not the problem at all.

I only demand that the third party who will be the judge of any possible conflict in a contracting situation, must sign up to being color blind, objective, and impartial, before I can agree to trading under his supervision. That is one reason in the list of so many, why I would never agree to any part of any state apparatus to be the judge of such situation. A state apparatus as the judging third party is always and invariably a show stopper.

The very last barrier left, is of course, the police singling out individuals in the streets, and harassing them, based on racial grounds, usually because they would “fit the description”.

You see, the message conveyed by wearing a uniform is not signed digitally. Without digital signature, the message must not be considered authentic. I could also fabricate a uniform and start wearing it. Therefore, on grounds of security considerations, I do not recognize uniforms as a source of legitimacy.

All legitimacy can only emanate from the act itself. If the act is unlawful, it reflects lack of respect, which in turn can only be addressed by inflicting respect-instilling reprisals. What we have here, is a retaliation contest in which one of both parties will eventually be made to cave in.

In that sense, the uniform only works against the one wearing it. His enemies can immediately recognize him, while the other way around is not generally possible. Nobody has ever won a conflict in which he first lost the information war. I encrypt everything that could possibly be of use to anybody with bad intentions.

Furthermore, I do not listen. I dictate only.

I am personally not a racist. That would be utterly contrary to my fundamental beliefs. In the Farewell Sermon, delivered after the final double recitation, as narrated by Ibn Hanbal, you can find my own fundamental beliefs about racism:

“Indeed, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor of a non-Arab over an Arab, nor of a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except for his greater obedience to the laws of God and his good works.”

I may have been raised in a Christian environment, but in the meanwhile I have also came to the conclusion that Christianity has no fitness for purpose or even implied merchantability.

Seriously, if Christianity were going to solve the problem, it would have solved it already.

Christianity will not solve one single real problem. On the contrary, it will only exacerbate it. There is a very long list of reasons why I reject anything Christian. I do not listen to anything inspired on Christian doctrine. Never, ever.