2 min readJun 19, 2016


When you live in a western country, you will quickly notice that the state apparatus interferes with every possible aspect of your life.

It is often possible to create workarounds for most of them, but not for their incessant interference with family matters.

The only solution is to move out, and that is also what I have done. I live in Southeast Asia now.

There is pretty much no state interference with family matters here.

Of course, they also do not interfere with most other aspects of life, but I consider that just to be a welcome bonus. That is not the primary reason why I live here. What matters most to me, is that I just do not want to state apparatus to have any say whatsoever in family matters. This principle is non-negotiable.

Unfortunately, what we can see here now, are western NGOs — often funded by USAID or other western state development agencies — that endlessly keep spouting propaganda for state interference in family matters. These western NGOs even sponsor bills to the local Asian parliament which would institute state interference in family matters here too. Of course, I consider their behaviour to be utterly detestable.

We only have one planet, and I would not know where to move next, if they manage to turn this place too, into a state-orchestrated interference hell.

On the other hand, I am quite lucky.

Muslim extremists also seem to be very opposed to the West imposing its views on family law onto others. Unlike me, however, they clearly do not just whine about the problem.

They address the problem by suicide -and non-suicide bombing these western NGOs, their governments, and ultimately also the political constituencies that support the utmost detestable practice of imposing one's view on marriage and divorce onto others.

Therefore, I am quite hopeful.

So, yes, I do not mind that people still want the state apparatus to forcibly intervene in other people's family lives, but on the condition only, that these people prove that they are willing to risk their lives and die for what they believe in.

