Day 77: Last night in the Bay.

Erika Barden
3 min readSep 30, 2023


Celebrating SF style.

After toasted bagels, cream cheese, and a morning swim, we farewelled our fab Napa home and meandered our way back to the Golden Gate city.

Via the Golden Gate Bridge of course!

It was shrouded in fog, and provided a very different experience from our blue-sky day transverse just a few days ago.

On our trip back we stopped at a huge Target (for some t shirts and cargo pants for the boys and supplies for tonight), the neighbouring Starbucks (for various caffeinated beverages and a strawberry acai lemonade slushie for Malaika)then at the top of Lombard St. Ruth had planned to drive us down the ‘crookedest street in the world’ — until we saw the warning signs.

That definitely canceled us out in our Chevy Suburban, as it weighs in at around 6,000 pounds (2,700 kg) and that’s without its seven occupants!

So we just stopped for a quick look and a few pics instead.

We called into the Balboa Cafe for a late lunch. A San Francisco institution, it’s famous for its hamburgers and expresso martinis. Of which we had neither. Our meals and drinks were totally delicious though 😋.

Then we were Burlingame-bound, for an overdue date with the laundry, our second-to-last lot of packing, and to watch the All Blacks (hopefully) trounce Italy. Go the ABs!

Well, that they did (96–17) but I have to admit we missed it. Instead, we were hosting Ruth’s colleague and friend, and his lovely wife, for some evening drinks and nibbles.

I also have to admit to a real fan-girl moment, as it was Anthony Mosse! (For non-Kiwis: Anthony is a New Zealand Olympic and Commonwealth Games medalist). He was one of the first NZers to win a sports scholarship to the States, and in 1989 was awarded an MBE for his services to swimming. He’s also a hell of a nice guy — as is his lovely wife.

Here’s a pic of the Bardens with the Mosses. (That one’s especially for you Mum!).

We finished off the night with sticky, mouth-watering, ribs, tender tritip from the Traeger, and giant smores.

Thanks so much to Ruth, Steve and Lauchie for being such fabulous hosts, and we look forward to repaying your hospitality later in the year 🥂.

