A Workshop for Supply Chain Problem Solvers

Transparency, Collaboration & Shared Value in Local Food Economies

Erika Block
Local Orbit’s Field Notes
2 min readAug 23, 2016


A Workshop for Supply Chain Problem Solvers — November 7–9 in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Conferences can be useful, but for collaborative learning and problem solving, we find that small, interactive workshops are more effective. Local Orbit designs interactive workshops that focus on peer-to-peer learning and networking — and they’re powerful.

Prior to founding Local Orbit, I worked as a theatre director. Many people wonder how my theatre career relates to founding and running a supply chain platform company. It’s pretty simple: my work as a director was about bringing together really talented, interesting people and creating space that enabled them to do their best work. Connect people and let them create together. That’s how magic happens in the rehearsal studio.

Local Orbit’s workshops are designed with similar principles in mind. We bring together talented, interesting people and create a space that enables them to learn, teach, collaborate, solve problems, recharge, get inspired and build lasting partnerships.

Everyone has an opportunity to work collaboratively with other attendees on their business challenges. Everyone has unique knowledge that might be helpful to other participants.

people sharing ideas

Image from Utz Academy Online

Our workshop speakers are discussion catalysts, coaches, and mentors who will share their experience, ask questions and spearhead conversations. They’re invited because of their specific experience and expertise, but they are also participants and learners who have an opportunity to explore their own business challenges.

We’ll be highlighting an impressive group of catalysts in the coming weeks. But this workshop — Transparency, Collaboration & Shared Value in Local Food Economies — is equally about the attendees and the
collaborative learning experience. That’s why we have a selective application process, to ensure the right mix of engaged participants for each session.

Collaborative learning involves actively working together to discover new information, understand a new idea, solve a problem, or design a process. It relies on social and peer-to-peer engagement rather than top-down models where a single expert shares their knowledge.

Sounds a lot like building a collaborative supply chain with shared value for everyone, right?

Apply Today

Interesting Reading: A New Culture of Learning, by Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown: The 21st century is a world in constant change. Thomas and Brown explore how the forces of change inspire and invite us to imagine a future of learning that is as powerful as it is optimistic.

Originally published at Local Orbit.

