How To Sell Without the Struggle

Erika Friday
2 min readSep 9, 2022


I’ve been working in the digital marketing industry for 9 years.

Since starting as a virtual assistant and working my way up to a 6-figure content marketer, I’ve learned a lot about how to combat one of the biggest problems people face in our industry. In fact, it’s a lot easier to solve than most people think. But you do need to fundamentally change how you think about what your job is and how to go about it.

The problem is that, in our effort to make selling more effective, we’ve made it into such a struggle: Post on all the social channels with perfect graphics and dancing videos pointing at words; force people onto sales calls; post annoying stuff in Facebook groups; create fake scarcity in “live” (not really live) webinars; and more.

3 ways to simplify your marketing & increase your selling:

#1: Figure out what obstacle your ideal client/customer really needs to overcome — and guide them through it. Learn how to do this by reading Donald Miller’s book, “Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#2: Change your mindset and actions from “I really need people to buy my stuff so I’ll just keep telling them about it ’til they do.” to “My people are struggling with something I know the answer to so I’m going to help them.” Period. End of sentence.

#3: Stop chasing the high Follower counts. Go after real relationships with actual people. If your “1000 True Fans” purchase only one $100 product from you per year, you’re a 6-figure earner. And bonus! You get to keep more of it in your pocket because marketing authentically costs a lot less.

It’s known as Service Over Selling. See? That wasn’t so hard.

fresh-baked donuts with dripping pink icing |

Photo credit: Color Joy Stock (aff link)



Erika Friday

{Posts may contain affiliate links}. Multi-passionate creative entrepreneur, Kajabi expert, blogger, and coffee luvah.