erika harano is a movement artist, researcher, choreographer, performer, interaction designer, and multidisciplinary educator.

her (movement/research) interests include: site-specific investigations of non/belonging, in/betweenness, liminality, ambiguity, and fluidity, especially with/in queer + mixed race identities; (embodied) question-making as a generative practice for subverting systems of power, supremacy, and oppression; and iterative processes of working with/in emergent strategy to move in (more) right relationship to change. erika supports people + teams in (co)designing interactions that are accessible, consentful, and rooted in Design Justice Principles. she has supported and collaborated with teams including the Allied Media Conference and Allied Media Projects, the Design Justice Network, the Consentful Tech Project, Black Womxn Flourish, and Creative Reaction Lab.

erika also teaches visual design, interaction design, and design research at the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis.

as a performance artist, erika has been a dancer with the Modern American Dance Company and Consuming Kinetics Dance Company. she has also performed in productions led by independent choreographers in St. Louis and Chicago. erika has taught advanced contemporary dance classes through Consuming Kinetics Dance Company and Resilience Dance Company, and has guest taught in the Performing Arts and Dance Department at Washington University in St. Louis.

erika's newest choreographic work, bodies in (between) space and time, will premiere at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum in spring 2022.