hi, thanks for being here.

3 min readJun 19, 2020

a re-introduction

i’m erika (she/they). these are some thoughts about the beliefs, principles, practices, frameworks, && energies that guide and shape how i show up in the world and in work. i’m a fluid, evolving, practicing being, and this is where i’m at now.

i am a design strategist — i work with people and teams to shape decisions, experiences, tools, processes, and practices, rooted in liberation from oppression.

i am a movement artist — dance is my primary art form; i use my bodies [physical; energetic; emotional; intellectual; intuitive; spiritual; ancestral] to shape communication and sensation, with emphasis on subverting and disrupting dominant power. i connect dance with other mediums, like writing, for reflection + action rooted in healing and liberation from white supremacy, ableism, capitalism, and other forms of oppression.

i am a facilitator — i hold spaces for collaborative learning, practice, connection, && action. in this moment, this often shows up as being an instructional facilitator (e.g. lecturer, educator) within fields of dance and/or design, and work in spaces with both young people and with adults.

amy work is rooted in disrupting the beliefs, practices, ideologies, behaviors, tools, processes, and systems that uphold white supremacy, capitalism, anti-Blackness, state violence, and other forms of oppression.

my work is rooted in reshaping power and in moving in alignment with radical transformation.

