10 Tooth Fairy Poems

Erik Daniel Fjelde Ondrejko
5 min readFeb 6, 2023

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Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy, a sprite so fair,

Bringing magic to children everywhere.

She flits about in the dead of night,

Leaving treats for those who’ve lost a bite.

Her wings, so soft and delicate,

Glisten like the stars up above.

She carries a bag, full of surprise,

For little ones who’ve been good and wise.

She takes the tooth left under the pillow,

Leaving in its place a shining lily.

A symbol of growth, of change and youth,

A reminder of the magic of truth.

She’s a legend, a story we tell,

Of the fairy who brings us joy and well.

She’s a part of our childhood memories,

And her magic will stay with us, eternally.

Ode to The Tooth Fairy

Oh Tooth Fairy, with wings so bright,

You bring joy to children’s delight.

You flit and fly through the night,

Leaving treasures, such a sight!

With a twinkle in your eye,

You take the teeth that children shy.

And leave in their place a surprise,

A token of your gentle guise.

You’re a symbol of growth and change,

A reminder of childhood’s range.

Of the magic and wonder of youth,

That stays with us, a sweet, sweet truth.

Oh Tooth Fairy, you bring delight,

To children’s dreams, each and every night.

You’re a legend, a story we tell,

Forever a part of childhood, so well.

The Real One

A dentist with a heart so kind,

She helps children with their dental mind.

With gentle hands and a smile so bright,

She shows them how to care for their bite.

She teaches them the importance of floss,

And the ways to keep their teeth so gloss.

She’s not just a dentist, she’s a friend,

Whose advice they’ll follow until the end.

The children call her the Tooth Fairy,

A name that brings joy, so very merry.

For she brings magic to their lives,

And helps them keep their teeth and gums thriving.

Oh, how she shines like a star so bright,

Bringing joy and oral health with her might.

She’s a hero to the children, that’s for sure,

A guardian of their teeth, forevermore.

So here’s to the dentist, the Tooth Fairy too,

A guardian of smiles, so bright and true.

She’s a light in the lives of all she meets,

Bringing joy, dental health, and treats.

Bone Fairy

The Tooth Fairy had a family reunion,

A gathering of all her kin.

She met the Bone Fairy, what a thrill,

But her appearance gave her quite a chill.

Her skin was pale and her eyes were dark,

Her voice was deep, like the sound of a bark.

She carried a bag, filled with bones so old,

And her presence made the Tooth Fairy cold.

The Tooth Fairy asked her what she did,

And the Bone Fairy’s answer was quite hid.

She whispered a secret, so dark and dire,

And the Tooth Fairy felt her heart with fire.

The Bone Fairy said, “I collect the bones,

Of creatures who’ve died all alone.

I guard them, I keep them safe and sound,

So they may rest, in the earth they’re bound.”

The Tooth Fairy shuddered, she felt so scared,

For the Bone Fairy’s work was not quite fair.

She took a step back, with a quiver in her heart,

And decided to keep her visit apart.

The reunion continued, with joy and cheer,

But the Tooth Fairy couldn’t shake the fear.

For she’d met the Bone Fairy, so scary and dark,

And her heart felt cold, like the bones in her mark.


A wobbly tooth, pulled by a treat,

The Tooth Fairy visits, can’t be beat.

She leaves a gift, a wondrous surprise,

For the child who smiled, with sparkling eyes.

Bringing magic to the night.


A tooth lost in a game of tag,

The Tooth Fairy visits, with her bag.

She leaves a coin, glittering and gold,

For the child who was brave, and so bold.

Bringing joy to the night.


A tooth lost from biting an apple,

The Tooth Fairy visits, with a twinkle.

She leaves a gem, shining so bright,

For the child who was wise, and just right.

Bringing light to the night.


A tooth lost from a bike fall,

The Tooth Fairy visits, with a call.

She leaves a flower, soft and so mild,

For the child who was brave, and so kind.

Bringing peace to the night.


A tooth lost from a sweet, sticky treat,

The Tooth Fairy visits, with a beat.

She leaves a feather, light and so rare,

For the child who was cheerful, and fair.

Bringing magic to the night.

The Dragon and The Fairy

Once upon a time, in a far off land,

Lived a dragon, with a toothache so grand.

He roared and he bellowed, with pain in his jaw,

For his toothache was bad, and he couldn’t take more.

Then one night, as he lay in his lair,

He heard a soft tapping, coming from there.

He looked and he saw, a figure so small,

It was the Tooth Fairy, come to help them all.

The Tooth Fairy approached the dragon with care,

And listened to his story, with a gentle air.

She saw that his tooth, was causing him pain,

And she knew just what to do, to help ease the strain.

With her magic touch, and her fairy dust,

She worked her magic, without any fuss.

She took away the pain, and made the tooth whole,

And the dragon felt better, from his head to his soul.

The dragon was grateful, and thanked her with glee,

For the Tooth Fairy had helped, so easily.

And from that day on, the dragon would smile,

And the Tooth Fairy’s magic, would always be wild.

So if you have a toothache, and you’re feeling blue,

Just call on the Tooth Fairy, she’ll help you too.

For she’s a kind fairy, with a heart of gold,

And she’ll help you keep your smile, bold and so bold.

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