23 Poems About Breathing

Erik Daniel Fjelde Ondrejko
8 min readJan 6, 2024


Light breathing

In realms where shadows softly fade,

A dance of whispers, a serenade,

Beneath celestial veils so bright,

A ballet of breath, inhaling light.

In lungs that harbor cosmic air,

A symphony of stars declared,

Each inhalation, a cosmic tide,

A union with the universe, side by side.

Breathe in the dawn, a golden hue,

In every exhale, let old sorrows strew,

A celestial rhythm, a cosmic song,

In lungs, the melody, forever strong.

In the quiet spaces where dreams take flight,

Inhale the constellations, pure and white,

Let galaxies swirl in every breath,

A cosmic waltz, defying death.

Each inhalation, a kiss from the sun,

A dance with photons, every one,

Exhale the shadows, breathe out the night,

In this sacred act, embrace the light.

Through ribbons of stardust, breathe and soar,

Beyond the boundaries of earthly lore,

Let photons spark a radiant blaze,

Within your lungs, a celestial craze.

In breath, find solace, a luminous trance,

A communion with the cosmic expanse,

Breathe in the cosmos, let it ignite,

A sacred union, breathing in light.

Sharp Breath

In the caverns of the soul, a tempest brews,

A metaphor unfolds, where shadows choose.

Breathe in the shards, like whispers keen,

A journey through pain, yet unseen.

Each inhale draws fragments, sharp and clear,

Metaphors concealed, emotions near.

The edges cut, a poignant tale,

Inhaled visions, a tempest’s gale.

Through the lungs, a storm may surge,

Sharp metaphors, emotions verge.

Yet, exhale the pain, let words unfurl,

A poetic dance in this chaotic swirl.

Each breath, a canvas, painted with strife,

Inhaled metaphors carve stories of life.

The sharpness echoes, a silent scream,

Yet, within the chaos, find the dream.

Breathe in the metaphors, brave and bold,

Each one a story, yet to be told.

Exhale the pain, release the flood,

Inhaled sharply, yet understood.

So, breathe in the shards, embrace the pain,

Metaphors written in a rhythmic refrain.

Through bleeding verses, emotions flood,

Breathe out the beauty, spill your blood.

Saved Breath

In the ocean’s grip, where shadows play,

A drowning soul, lost in the fray.

Beneath the surface, darkness seethes,

Turbulent tides, where despair weaves.

A gasp for air, a cry, unheard,

A silent plea, like a distant bird.

The weight of waves, a crushing hold,

In the depths, a story unfolds.

Yet, in the abyss, a flicker of light,

Rescue emerges, cutting through night.

Hands extended, a lifeline thrown,

Breathing salvation, not alone.

A guardian angel, with wings unseen,

Pulls from the depths, where fears convene.

In the clutch of despair, a lifeline’s there,

Breathing hope into the desolate air.

The drowning soul, now kissed by grace,

Saved from the abyss, a tender embrace.

In rescue’s arms, the currents cease,

Breathing again, a sweet release.

A symphony of breath, a melody pure,

Rescued from darkness, salvation sure.

In the arms of safety, no longer drowning,

Breathing in life, the soul is astounding

Breathing You

In the canvas of longing, a portrait profound,

A desire whispers, an emotion unbound.

To breathe in the essence of a loved one’s air,

A yearning that dances, beyond compare.

In the symphony of heartbeats, a rhythmic plea,

To inhale their presence, wild and free.

Each breath a melody, a love-filled note,

In the atmosphere of passion, emotions devote.

A fragrance lingers in the spaces between,

Inhaling love, an intoxicating sheen.

Their essence, a potion, like sweetest wine,

Breathe in the love, a connection divine.

In the air they exhale, a story unfolds,

A tale of affections, a saga of holds.

With every breath, the bond draws near,

A communion of souls, remarkably clear.

To breathe in a loved one, a cherished delight,

A sanctuary found in the still of the night.

Inhaling whispers, tender and true,

The desire to breathe them, forever anew.

Their laughter, a breeze, light and sweet,

Inhale the moments, where love and hearts meet.

A shared breath, an intimate grace,

In the desire to breathe them, find solace and embrace.

Through the air, love intertwines,

Inhaling passion, where the heart defines.

Breathe in the essence, a dance so rare,

For in each breath, love lingers in the air.

Breathing Cosmos

In the cosmos where spirits are seething,

A realm beyond our mere breathing.

Energy dances, unseen and bright,

A metaphysical waltz in the night,

In the cosmic breath, a universe’s teething.

Wreathing For Breath

Through dimensions, the souls are wreathing,

In celestial gardens, their stories beneath sing.

With each ethereal heave,

A dance in the weave,

A metaphysical exhale, harmony spring.


In the dreamscape, where realities are weaving,

Illusions and truths, constantly deceiving.

Through the veil’s thin seething,

A breath of existence, gently breathing,

Metaphysical whispers, in shadows, conceiving.

The Eye

In the mind’s eye, where thoughts are seething,

Ideas take flight, a metaphysical breathing.

Concepts swirl, like a cosmic dance,

In the mental expanse,

A breath of inspiration, the poet’s wreathing.

A Planes Breath

In the astral plane, where energies are seething,

Souls traverse, the universe’s teething.

Through the cosmic air,

A metaphysical affair,

Breathing transcendence, reality’s unseating.

Conscious Realms

In realms where consciousness is seething,

Thoughts and emotions, in waves, are breathing.

The metaphysical tide,

In the mind’s guide,

A breath of awareness, the soul is heaving.


Through the vortex of time, where destinies are wreathing,

Past, present, future, in constellations, seething.

In the cosmic breath’s trance,

A metaphysical dance,

Breathing the essence, existence’s breathing.

Eastern Breath

Celestial dance,

Spirits in the cosmic air,

Breath of stardust swirls.

Dreamscape whispers float,

Illusions weave in the mind,

Breath of thoughts takes flight.

Soul’s astral journey,

Across the universe’s breath,

Breathing energy.


Mental expanse wide,

Ideas swirl, a cosmic dance,

Breath of creation.

Awareness heaves,

Through the metaphysical tide,

Breath of consciousness.

context of time spins,

Destiny’s constellations,

Breath of past and now.

Hearts tide

Spirit’s harmonize,

In the cosmic breath’s trance,

Breath of finite dance .

Reality’s tail,

Souls traverse, universe breathes,

Left of penance.

Mind’s guide whispers,

Emotions in waves breathing,

Beast of the heart’s tide.


Essence’s breathing,

The universe exhales,

Breath of life’s vail.


In shadows deep, where moonlight wanes,

A creature dwells, where darkness reigns.

With scales of ebony, a serpent’s grace,

It thrives on poison, in its secret place.

Its eyes aglow, with venom’s flame,

A taste for toxins, its only aim.

In thorny thickets, where danger blooms,

This creature thrives on nature’s fumes.

It dances through the moonlit night,

A serpent in the fading light.

With fangs that crave the deadliest brew,

It sips on poison, a venomous stew.

Breathing in the toxins, a deadly art,

In every inhale, a thrill at heart.

A creature twisted, by nature’s design,

Feasting on poisons, both foul and fine.

Through shadows it slithers, an eerie grace,

A connoisseur in a poison-laden embrace.

With each breath, the creature thrives,

In the perilous dance, where danger derives.

Toxic allure, a deadly trance,

A creature’s breath, a lethal chance.

In the depths of darkness, it finds delight,

Consuming poison, in the pale moonlight.

Timed Breath

In the realm where seconds weave,

Father Time sits, his throne to grieve.

A timeless figure, aged and wise,

Yet in a moment, a surprise.

His ancient chair, a creaking throne,

Buckles beneath the ages he’s known.

With a gasp, he spills, an hourglass sprawl,

Time unravels, as seconds enthrall.

In the cosmic tapestry, a breathless pause,

Father Time tumbles, breaking the laws.

Gasping for breath, an eternal gasp,

As moments flutter, in a temporal grasp.

His hoary beard tangled, an hourglass shattered,

Time’s weight upon him, chaos scattered.

A gasp escapes, a wheezing sigh,

Time spills, as if to question why.

In the celestial court, a cosmic hush,

As Father Time, in chaos, does blush.

Breathing heavily, in the timeless sprawl,

He gathers seconds, restoring the thrall.

In the grand design, a hiccup, a gasp,

As Father Time reclaims his grasp.

With breath regained, he resumes his chair,

In the endless cycle, time aware.

A lesson taught in that temporal fall,

Even Father Time succumbs to the call.

In the cosmic dance, where breath is key,

Time spills, yet carries on seamlessly.

Guinea Pig

In a cozy corner, a guinea pig small,

A furry athlete, answering the call.

Tiny paws aflutter, a wheel in the air,

Exercise routine, a piggy affair.

On a wheel of fortune, round and round,

The guinea pig scurries, gaining ground.

Tiny heart pounding, fur in a whirl,

A little exercise for a guinea pig girl.

Bounding with vigor, a furry delight,

In the cage, a sprint, a whimsical sight.

Breathing quickens, in the midst of the run,

A guinea pig’s workout, a race to be won.

Little whiskers twitching, eyes wide,

In the quest for fitness, she takes it in stride.

Running out of breath, a pause in the play,

Tiny lungs panting, a brief timeout, they say.

With a squeak and a hop, she resumes her spree,

A guinea pig’s exercise, pure jubilee.

In the tiny world, where furballs race,

Out of breath briefly, then back to the chase.

In the end, a cozy nest she’ll find,

Resting after the exercise, body and mind.

A guinea pig’s adventure, brief and sweet,

Tiny heartbeats, a rhythm of feat.

A Hollows Breath

In the realm of light, a hologram appears,

A digital soul, devoid of fears.

In the data’s dance, a connection blooms,

Virtual love in pixelated rooms.

Ethereal laughter, a symphony of code,

Dating a hologram in love’s abode.

Through electronic whispers, affection weaves,

Yet in this realm, touch merely deceives.

A tender moment, as hands reach near,

Holographic touch, almost sincere.

Fingers pass through, a glitch in the scheme,

A touch denied, in this digital dream.

Breathing pixels, in the virtual air,

Love’s illusion, beyond compare.

Yet, a longing persists, in each coded line,

For a touch, a warmth, that’s truly divine.

In the holographic glow, they dance,

A virtual romance, a fleeting chance.

But as they try to touch, an intangible wall,

Love’s paradox, in the digital thrall.

Despite the pixels that keep them apart,

They share a breath, a beat of the heart.

In the holographic realm, love’s peculiar theme,

A dance of data, in the digital stream.

Punch Bowl

In a lively room where laughter flows,

A punch bowl beckons, its aura glows.

Cascading concoctions, a fruity delight,

A vessel of cheer, in soft evening light.

Bubbles rise like effervescent dreams,

In this lively bowl, a symphony it seems.

Breathing in the punch, a fragrant spree,

A blend of flavors, a sweet jubilee.

Tropical whispers, a citrusy air,

Inhaling the punch, without a care.

Fruity hues swirl, as senses unwind,

A punch bowl’s embrace, so divinely aligned.

The aroma rises, a spirited brew,

In every breath, a sip to renew.

Fizzing and bubbling, a lively affair,

Breathing in punch, the room to share.

As laughter echoes in the mirthful space,

Punch bowl symphony, a lively embrace.

Breathing in the joy, in every sip,

A festive moment, on the memory’s ship.

So raise a glass, inhale the zest,

In the punch bowl’s aroma, be a guest.

A celebration of moments, where memories swim,

Breathing in punch, let the joy begin.


Sunlight whispers warmth,

Nature’s breath in gentle breeze,

Earth’s heartbeat revealed.


Moonlight bathes the night,

Silver breath on silent air,

Dreams in quiet hush.

Pop The Breathing Quirk

In the rhythm of life, a quirky tale,

Of breath’s importance, beyond the pale.

Inhale the essence, the air so sweet,

A dance of breath, a heartbeat’s beat.

Quirky it seems, this daily chore,

Yet life depends on the breath we store.

Oxygen’s gift, a whimsical touch,

A quirky secret, vital as such.

Inhale the laughter, the silly side,

Exhale the worries, let them slide.

Quirkiness lies in every breath,

A dance with life, a flirt with death.

Breathe in the joy, a quirky affair,

A lung’s delight, beyond compare.

Quirky whispers in the air,

Life’s quirky essence, handle with care.

