dence33 Confidence Poems

Erik Daniel Fjelde Ondrejko
7 min readJan 14, 2024


Confidant Self-Talk:

In whispers soft, to my own soul,

Positive words, to make me whole.

I’ll banish doubt with affirmations bright,

A symphony of confidence, taking flight.

Warriors Confident Courage

In the realm of the brave, where warriors stand,

A tapestry of courage, woven strand by strand.

Through trials and tempests, a journey unfolds,

In the heart’s crucible, where stories are told.

Courage, a flame that flickers within,

Igniting the spirit, dispelling the din.

It whispers in shadows, where fears reside,

A beacon that guides, a steady guide.

Confidence, the ally, by courage’s side,

In the arena of challenges, where fears abide.

With every step taken, a leap into the unknown,

Confidence as armor, a strength to be shown.

The first breath of courage, a newborn’s cry,

In the face of uncertainty, under the vast sky.

A child’s first steps, a hesitant advance,

Confidence awakening, in life’s dance.

Through the corridors of adolescence, where uncertainties breed,

Courage whispers tales of daring deeds.

Confidence, the echo in a young heart’s call,

A symphony of courage, rising tall.

In the adult’s journey, where responsibilities weigh,

Courage stands resolute, come what may.

Confidence, the compass, in life’s vast sea,

Navigating challenges with unwavering glee.

In love’s tender embrace and relationships grown,

Courage is the seed that in hearts is sown.

Confidence, the foundation, in love’s tender art,

A dance of vulnerability, where courage imparts.

As the chapters unfold, and the years compile,

Courage weathers storms with an unwavering smile.

Confidence, the legacy, in the stories we tell,

Of battles fought bravely, where courage dwells.

In the twilight of years, when shadows grow long,

Courage lingers, a resilient song.

Confidence, the companion, in the sunset’s glow,

A life well-lived, where courage did grow.

So, let courage be the anthem, let confidence play,

In the grand tapestry of life’s ballet.

For in every heartbeat, in every stance,

Courage and confidence, a timeless dance.

Set Small Goals:

Like stepping stones, small goals align,

Each achievement, a victory sign.

Inch by inch, confidence will grow,

As aspirations bloom, like petals in a row.

Body Language:

Stand tall, let shoulders embrace the sky,

Confidence speaks without a word, oh my!

Eyes meet eyes, a silent decree,

In the language of posture, confidence is the key.

Dress Well:

Cloth of confidence, woven with care,

Wear it proudly, this garment rare.

Colors that speak, and fabrics that sway,

Confidence tailored in each stitch, every day.

Learn New Skills:

Like a painter with a canvas wide,

Skills and talents, in me reside.

A palette rich with hues untold,

Confidence painted in every skill, bold.

Celebrate Achievements:

Raise a toast to victories, big or small,

Celebrate achievements that stand tall.

In the chorus of success, let confidence sing,

A melody of triumph, let joy’s bells ring.

Exercise Regularly:

In the dance of endorphins, a rhythm pure,

Confidence blooms, of this I’m sure.

Muscles flex and spirits lift,

In the heartbeat of confidence, a powerful drift.

Practice Gratitude:

Counting blessings, a daily rhyme,

Gratitude echoes through the passage of time.

Confidence roots in appreciation deep,

A garden of thankfulness, where dreams can leap.


Close my eyes, and dreams unfold,

In visualized success, stories untold.

Confidence sculpted in the mind’s embrace,

A masterpiece painted with dreams to chase.

Speak Slowly and Clearly:

Each word, a jewel, spoken with grace,

In clarity, confidence finds its space.

Slow and steady, the eloquence of power,

In the symphony of speech, confidence towers.

Accept Compliments:

Like petals catching dewdrops in the morn,

Accept compliments, let their warmth be born.

Embrace the praise, let confidence bloom,

In the garden of acknowledgment, dispel all gloom.

Learn from Mistakes:

Mistakes, the canvas where wisdom paints,

Lessons learned, where resilience acquaints.

Each stumble a step toward mastery,

Confidence rising in the face of adversity.

Surround Yourself with Positivity:

Like a garden thrives with the sun’s caress,

Positivity nurtures, banishing distress.

In the company of those who uplift,

Confidence sprouts, a gift after gift.

Read Inspirational Material:

Words, like stars, guide the way,

Inspirational tales where confidence may lay.

In the pages of courage and grit,

Confidence rises, bit by bit.

Help Others:

A hand extended, a heart unfurled,

Helping others, confidence in the swirl.

Compassion echoes, a harmonious sound,

In the symphony of kindness, confidence is found.

Take Care of Appearance:

Attire and grooming, a reflection true,

Confidence sparkles in the outward view.

A polished image, a mirror’s dance,

Reflecting self-love, confidence enchants.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

In stillness, find a tranquil sea,

Mindfulness whispers, set your spirit free.

Confidence rises in the breath’s gentle flow,

A serene confidence, a tranquil glow.

Public Speaking:

The stage is set, confidence in the spotlight,

Speak your truth, let ideas take flight.

In the cadence of words, like a flowing stream,

Confidence reigns, a public speaker’s dream.

Learn to Say No:

Boundaries set, a fortress strong,

Saying “no” where you truly belong.

Confidence strengthened in self-care,

A shield against burdens, light as air.

The Journey

In the realm of knowledge, where wisdom’s born,

A journey begins, on pathways worn.

Competence, a beacon, a guiding light,

In the pursuit of mastery, through day and night.

A novice sets forth, in the land of unknown,

Seeds of curiosity, in fertile minds sown.

A canvas blank, awaiting strokes so fine,

Competence acquisition, an art to define.

The first steps timid, like a fawn’s advance,

In the meadow of skills, where dreams enhance.

A symphony of learning, a gradual rise,

Competence blooms beneath the azure skies.

With every challenge, a chance to grow,

A river of expertise, steadily to flow.

Through valleys of struggles, and summits high,

Competence acquisition, an endless sky.

The mentor’s wisdom, a compass true,

Guiding the seeker, the eager crew.

In the tapestry of mentorship, threads align,

Competence intertwines, a dance divine.

Books unfold, knowledge’s treasure trove,

In the boundless library where intellects rove.

Words like whispers, secrets they share,

Competence blossoms, a fragrance rare.

In the crucible of experience, lessons distilled,

Competence forged, with challenges filled.

The anvil of time, shaping skills with care,

A masterpiece crafted, competence to bear.

The artist’s brush, strokes with intent,

Competence painted, a canvas splendid.

A masterpiece evolving, with colors so bright,

In the gallery of progress, bathed in light.

Through practice and repetition, skills refine,

A dance of mastery, a rhythm divine.

Competence, a virtuoso’s grand performance,

A crescendo rising, an enduring radiance.

In the garden of collaboration, competence weaves,

Threads of teamwork, where brilliance conceives.

A collective symphony, harmonies aligned,

Competence echoes, in unity defined.

With resilience as armor, and failures as a guide,

Competence acquisition, a relentless stride.

In the mosaic of growth, where abilities shine,

Competence, the jewel, in life’s grand design.

So let the journey unfold, a lifelong quest,

Competence acquisition, a constant zest.

In the vast expanse of knowledge’s sea,

Competence sails, a voyage wild and free.

Take Initiative:

Seize the day, a confident stride,

Initiative, where dreams abide.

In the realm of action, courage blooms,

Confidence rises, conquering all glooms.

Learn from Role Models:

In the footsteps of giants, a journey grand,

Role models guide with a steady hand.

Confidence mirrors those who inspire,

A flame ignited, reaching ever higher.

Improve Time Management:

Time, a precious currency to spend,

Manage it wisely, let productivity ascend.

Confidence grows in tasks well-aligned,

A calendar dance, a rhythm well-defined.


A curve that sets the world aglow,

Confidence in a smile’s gentle flow.

Lips whisper joy, eyes gleam with grace,

Confidence reflected in a radiant face.

Embrace Challenges:

Challenges, mountains to ascend,

Where courage meets the bend.

In the face of adversity, confidence thrives,

A triumphant spirit, confidence survives.

Seek Feedback:

Words of wisdom, constructive and true,

Feedback molds confidence in the cue.

A mirror held, reflections clear,

Confidence refined, without fear.

Keep a Journal:

Pages filled with victories and strife,

In a journal’s embrace, discover life.

Confidence penned with every line,

A narrative bold, where dreams entwine.

Learn a New Language:

Words dancing like butterflies in the air,

A new language learned with care.

Confidence in linguistic melody,

A bridge connecting hearts, eternally.

Network and Socialize:

In the tapestry of connections spun,

Networking dances beneath the sun.

Confidence blooms in social ties,

A symphony of laughter, where joy lies.

Stand Up for Yourself:

Assertiveness, a strength to wield,

Stand up for yourself, let confidence be revealed.

A voice empowered, a stance upright,

Confidence ignited, dispelling the night.

Educate Yourself:

Lifelong learning, a river flowing,

Confidence in knowledge, steadily growing.

In the library of wisdom, pages unfurl,

Confidence springs from an enlightened world.


In the tapestry of life, where threads entwine,

A symphony of hearts, a support divine.

In the dance of existence, a melody sung,

The power of connection, in every rung.

Through valleys low and peaks so high,

Social support, a celestial sky.

A network woven, threads so strong,

In the boundless chorus, we all belong.

Whispers of encouragement, a gentle breeze,

Easing the burdens, putting minds at ease.

In times of shadows, when darkness looms,

A friend’s embrace, a beacon that resumes.

Kindred spirits, like stars aligned,

Their radiant glow, in every bind.

A shelter in storms, when the world may sway,

Social support, a light that guides the way.

In laughter shared and tears unshed,

In every word, in every thread.

A safety net when we take a leap,

A connection true, our secrets to keep.

In trials faced and battles won,

Shoulders to lean on, under the sun.

A camaraderie that stands the test,

In the heart’s refuge, we find our best.

Through trials and tribulations, hand in hand,

Together we stand, united we band.

A mosaic of souls, diverse and vast,

Social support, an anchor steadfast.

Empathy as the bridge, connecting hearts,

Where understanding grows, where healing starts.

In the garden of friendships, blossoms bloom,

A tapestry of care, banishing gloom.

For when the journey is tough and rough,

When roads are rugged, and times are tough,

In the arms of others, a haven found,

Social support, a sanctuary profound.

So cherish the bonds, the ties that bind,

In the vast expanse of the human mind.

A chorus of voices, a chorus of cheer,

Social support, a melody we hold dear.

In the grand mosaic of life’s grand design,

Social support, a treasure so fine.

A lifeline woven, connecting us all,

In this grand tapestry, where echoes call.

