47 Poems About Self Worth

Erik Daniel Fjelde Ondrejko
10 min readJan 10, 2024


Gift of Self Worth

In the quiet moments, where reflections play,

A heart whispers thanks in a grateful array.

For within the chambers, a treasure trove’s birth,

Gratitude blooms for the gift of self-worth.

A tapestry woven with threads unseen,

In the realm of self, a kingdom serene.

Through trials and triumphs, a journey’s girth,

An anthem of thanks for the boon of self-worth.

In the mirror’s gaze, a soul reflects,

Grateful for strengths and flaws it protects.

A dance with shadows, a dance with mirth,

Embracing the essence, celebrating self-worth.

With every scar, a story told,

Chapters of resilience, brave and bold.

For the battles within, the battles on earth,

A hymn of gratitude, praising self-worth.

The symphony of self, notes clear and bright,

A melody echoing in the quiet of night.

For the canvas of being, a masterpiece’s birth,

A grateful song sung for the grace of self-worth.

In the garden of emotions, blossoms of grace,

A spirit flourishes, finding its place.

For the gift of self-love, like a sacred hearth,

A psalm of thanks resounds for the boon of self-worth.

With each step forward, gratitude strides,

In the tapestry of life, where destiny guides.

For the self that endures, resilient and unearth,

A hymn of gratefulness, exalting self-worth.

So let gratitude bloom, a perennial flower,

Nurtured by moments, both sweet and sour.

For the treasure within, a gem of great worth,

A thankful heart beats for the grace of self-worth.


In self-reflection, one finds their true mirth,

A limerick’s wisdom on the topic’s true worth.

Looking within, for a sense of rebirth,

Self-worth discovered, a treasure trove unearthed.


A person with self-respect so fine,

Stands tall, like a sturdy old pine.

In the forest of life, their branches entwine,

With self-worth as their noble lifeline.


A heart filled with self-compassion’s embrace,

Finds solace and warmth, a comforting space.

In life’s grand theater, a leading grace,

Self-worth blooms, a gentle, tender embrace.

Positive Self-Talk:

With positive self-talk, a limerick to share,

A language of love in the innermost lair.

Self-worth echoes, a melody rare,

A symphony of affirmations in the air.

Personal Growth:

In the garden of life, where wisdom takes root,

Personal growth blooms, a resolute shoot.

With self-worth as sunlight, a radiant pursuit,

Each step forward, a testament to astute.

Setting Boundaries:

Like fences secure in a flourishing land,

Setting boundaries with a confident hand.

Self-worth protected, a principle grand,

In life’s vast expanse, a stance so grand.

Embracing Individuality:

A limerick on embracing individuality,

Celebrating uniqueness with joyful vitality.

In the mosaic of self, a colorful reality,

Self-worth found in one’s authentic personality.


In the practice of mindfulness so serene,

Self-worth discovered in moments between.

A mindful limerick, a reflective sheen,

Like a tranquil lake where reflections convene.

Gratitude for Oneself:

A heart filled with gratitude for oneself,

Cherishing qualities like precious wealth.

In the treasure trove of self-worth’s stealth,

A limerick to celebrate inner health.

Setting and Achieving Goals:

With goals set high like the morning sun,

Self-worth rises, a journey begun.

In the pursuit of dreams, victories won,

A limerick for the goal-setting fun.

Healthy Self-Esteem:

A healthy self-esteem, a beacon so bright,

Illuminating the path in life’s soft light.

With self-worth as armor, a limerick’s delight,

A steadfast companion through day and night.

Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence, a limerick’s theme,

Understanding feelings like a flowing stream.

In the river of emotions, a self-worth dream,

A limerick reflecting the emotional scheme.


A limerick on resilience, strong and bold,

Weathering storms with a spirit untold.

In life’s challenging tales, a story to be scrolled,

Self-worth resilient, a treasure to hold.


With self-care as gentle as a summer breeze,

Nurturing self-worth with comforting ease.

A limerick to celebrate self-pleas,

In the garden of well-being, a bloom that appease.


A limerick on authenticity’s cheer,

Being true to oneself, crystal clear.

In the mirror of truth, reflections endear,

Self-worth authentic, a limerick sincere.

Cultivating Inner Strength:

Cultivating inner strength, a limerick’s ode,

Like a mighty oak on life’s winding road.

With self-worth as roots, firmly bestowed,

A limerick celebrating the inner abode.

Acceptance of Imperfections:

A limerick on accepting imperfections with glee,

Self-worth found in flaws, a jubilee.

In the gallery of self, a masterpiece to see,

Imperfections embraced, a limerick decree.

Healthy Relationships:

In the dance of relationships, a limerick’s sway,

With healthy connections, joy lights the way.

Self-worth intertwines in love’s display,

A limerick on relationships that stay.


Forgiveness, a limerick’s healing song,

Unburdening hearts, letting go of the wrong.

In the melody of grace, where self-worth is strong,

A limerick on forgiveness, a journey lifelong.

Building Confidence:

A limerick on building confidence high,

Like a soaring eagle in the open sky.

With self-worth as wings, a limerick to fly,

Confidence blooming, a limerick’s reply.

Expressing Needs and Desires:

In the language of needs and desires so clear,

Self-worth expressed, a limerick sincere.

Like whispers in the wind, a limerick to revere,

A celebration of voices, a limerick’s cheer.

Celebrating Achievements:

A limerick celebrating achievements grand,

Like a victory dance on life’s golden sand.

With self-worth as applause, a jubilant band,

A limerick rejoicing in achievement’s command.

Personal Values:

A limerick on personal values held dear,

Guiding principles, a compass so clear.

In the journey of life, a limerick to revere,

Self-worth anchored in values sincere.


Confidence’s bloom,

Mirror reflects inner worth,

Self-esteem takes flight.


Tender heart whispers,

Self-compassion’s embrace,

Healing words like rain.

Personal growth:

Blossoming within,

Personal growth, a journey,

Unfolding like spring.

Positive self-talk:

Words weave gentle spells,

Positive self-talk’s embrace,

A mindset takes flight.


Present moment’s gift,

Mindfulness, a silent stream,

Calm ripples within.

Emotional intelligence:

Feelings, a soft guide,

Emotional intelligence,

Compassion’s refined.


Heart’s sweetest refrain,

Self-love, an eternal dance,

Embracing oneself.


Rising like the sun,

Empowerment’s golden glow,

Strength found within.


Wings of self-belief,

Confidence takes to the sky,

Soaring without fear.

Inner strength:

Within, a fortress,

Inner strength, a silent force,

Anchored in the soul.


Echoes of one’s song,


A melody unique.


Mirror of the soul,

Self-reflection’s clear waters,

Wisdom echoes back.

Setting boundaries:

Like fences of care,

Setting boundaries protects,

Respect blooms within.

Rediscovery of Self Worth and Joy

In the quiet echoes of a hollowed heart,

A soul adrift, seeking a brand-new start.

The landscape of passion, once a vast dearth,

Awakens with whispers of newfound self-worth.

Through the corridors of forgotten dreams,

A journey back, where the heart redeems.

The canvas of purpose, a masterpiece’s birth,

Brushed with hues of revelation, embracing self-worth.

A moment in time, the turning of the tide,

As dormant desires resurface, cannot hide.

In the mirror of self, reflections unearth,

A revelation dawning, radiating self-worth.

The emptiness crumbles, like castles of sand,

As purpose emerges, an oasis so grand.

With every revelation, a symphony’s mirth,

Harmonizing with the melody of newfound self-worth.

In the embrace of what truly brings joy,

The emptiness dissipates, like clouds deploy.

Purpose discovered, a beacon, a hearth,

Illuminating the path with newfound self-worth.

A brush in hand, or a pen poised with grace,

The artist within, reclaims their space.

Creating anew, a testament to rebirth,

An artwork of purpose, pulsating with self-worth.

In the melody of passions, a harmonious blend,

The emptiness mends, the soul on the mend.

The purpose revealed, a compass, a berth,

Guiding towards fulfillment, resplendent self-worth.

A realization profound, in that sacred space,

Purpose intertwines with an authentic embrace.

No longer adrift, no longer a dearth,

A journey complete, rediscovering self-worth.


Truth in every step,

Authenticity’s dance,

A soul’s genuine sway.


Nurturing the self,

Self-care, a gentle breeze,



Embracing one’s self,

Self-acceptance, a warm hug,

Unconditional love.

Positive affirmations:

Words, seeds of the mind,

Positive affirmations,

Blossom into strength.

Life satisfaction:

Contentment’s embrace,

Life satisfaction’s sweet song,

Harmony within.


In a chamber dim, where shadows play,

An alchemist toiled, night and day.

With ancient scrolls and potions bold,

He sought a secret, a tale untold.

His crucible glowed with fiery might,

As he harnessed the stars, their radiant light.

The essence of dreams, the elixir’s gold,

In the alchemist’s heart, a story to unfold.

He gazed at the mirror, reflection unclear,

A soul unfulfilled, whispers of fear.

To transmute his being, a quest profound,

He sought the alchemy of self, unbound.

He blended hopes with fragments of dreams,

Mingled with stardust, or so it seems.

In the crucible’s dance, a transformation told,

As the alchemist himself sought to mold.

With every trial, every sacrifice,

He embraced the flames, a perilous vice.

The shadows whispered, the tale foretold,

Of an alchemist’s journey, his spirit to hold.

From leaden doubts to golden resolve,

Through the alchemist’s eyes, mysteries evolve.

A metamorphosis, profound and bold,

As he transmuted himself into stories untold.

The elixir bubbled, a symphony rare,

Echoes of transformation hung in the air.

From the crucible’s heart, a glow to behold,

As the alchemist’s essence turned into gold.

In the alchemy of self-worth , a rebirth complete,

He emerged anew, in golden retreat.

Transcendent and gleaming, a tale to be told,

The alchemist, now gold, his own mold.

The Break

In the depths of heartache, where shadows loom,

A tempest of emotions, a soul in gloom.

Through the wreckage of love, a painful birth,

A phoenix rises, discovering self-worth.

Once entwined, hearts danced in sweet refrain,

Now echoes of goodbye, a haunting strain.

In the ruins of dreams, a shattered earth,

The journey begins, rebuilding self-worth.

Tears like raindrops, falling in the night,

A symphony of sorrow, a mournful plight.

Yet within the tears, resilience takes berth,

A seed of strength, nurturing self-worth.

Silent screams of loss, aching in the core,

Love’s demise, an ache forevermore.

Yet from the ashes, a rebirth,

A phoenix soaring, claiming self-worth.

The mirror reflects a face transformed,

Glistening with scars, lessons adorned.

Through pain’s mosaic, a canvas of dearth,

Emerges a masterpiece, radiating self-worth.

Alone but not lonely, the spirit prevails,

A solo journey, but the heart never fails.

In solitude’s embrace, a spiritual rebirth,

A pilgrimage to find the gem of self-worth.

Through the labyrinth of despair, a path unfolds,

A narrative rewritten, with tales untold.

No longer defined by love’s transient girth,

A sovereign soul discovers intrinsic self-worth.

The worst breakup, a chrysalis of pain,

Yet metamorphosis whispers, break not in vain.

From the cocoon of heartache, a butterfly’s mirth,

Soars in the sunlight, embodying self-worth.

A tapestry woven with threads of healing,

In the vast expanse of self-love, revealing.

No longer tethered to love’s faded hearth,

An indomitable spirit claims its self-worth.

For in the abyss of farewells and goodbyes,

A phoenix rises, resilient and wise.

Through the echoes of heartbreak’s fateful mirth,

Emerges a soul, embracing profound self-worth.


In the theater of trials, where shadows cast,

A soul navigates failures, present and past.

Each stumble, a lesson, each fall, a rebirth,

Skills amassed in setbacks, forging self-worth.

The canvas of endeavors painted with strife,

Failures aplenty, the story of life.

Yet, in the mosaic of each misstep’s girth,

A masterpiece forms, revealing self-worth.

A symphony of setbacks, a cacophony,

Yet within the chaos, a sweet harmony.

Adversity’s song, a melody of dearth,

Conducts a crescendo, unveiling self-worth.

Through the valleys of doubt and uphill climbs,

A repository of lessons, a treasure of times.

In the alchemy of struggle, a transformative hearth,

Emerges a substance, the gold of self-worth.

The sculptor’s chisel on the marble of fate,

Chipping away at the failures innate.

From fragments, a sculpture, a testament to mirth,

Carved with resilience, a monument to self-worth.

In the laboratory of setbacks, experiments grand,

Failures distilled into knowledge firsthand.

The formula perfected, a potion’s rebirth,

Elixir of wisdom, infusing self-worth.

The tapestry woven with threads of defeat,

Each strand, a story, bittersweet.

Yet in the pattern, a narrative’s birth,

A quilt of resilience, cocooning self-worth.

For every stumble, a step towards grace,

Each failure a canvas, an artist’s embrace.

In the gallery of setbacks, a gallery of mirth,

A masterpiece emerges, embodying self-worth.

So stand tall, O soul, with failures arrayed,

A symphony of lessons, a serenade.

From the ashes of defeat, a phoenix’s birth,

Soars with newfound wings, embracing self-worth.

The Art of Self-Worth

In the quiet corridors of an artist’s mind,

A dormant creativity, long confined.

Brush strokes of dreams, colors unearthed,

A masterpiece born, self-worth now cherished.

A canvas blank, a world unexplored,

An artist, seeking, with passion implored.

Through the palette of feelings, emotions dispersed,

A symphony of hues, revealing self-worth.

The first stroke, a whisper, a tentative try,

Echoes of doubt in a vast, open sky.

Yet with each bold stroke, confidence burst,

A kaleidoscope bloomed, enhancing self-worth.

The dance of creation, a ballet of art,

Expressing the soul, a journey to start.

In every line and curve, inspiration immersed,

A tapestry woven, declaring self-worth.

The ink of imagination, a writer’s quill,

Unveiling tales, profound and still.

Words blossoming like flowers, sentences versed,

A novel born, enriching self-worth.

Melodies composing, notes in the air,

A composer’s creation, beyond compare.

Harmony woven, the sweetest verse,

A song that resonates, elevating self-worth.

A stage, a spotlight, the actor’s cue,

Embodying characters, stories anew.

Through each portrayal, emotions burst,

A performance unfolding, magnifying self-worth.

In the sculpture’s embrace, clay takes form,

A tactile expression, in the calm or the storm.

From raw to refined, a masterpiece burst,

A three-dimensional ode to self-worth.

The photographer’s lens, capturing light,

Freezing moments in time, a visual delight.

Images framed, memories nursed,

A gallery of snapshots, nurturing self-worth.

Completion, a sigh, the artist’s relief,

The journey of creation, a solace, a belief.

In the finished opus, a treasure unearthed,

A reflection of the soul, glowing with self-worth.

For in the realm of arts, a discovery profound,

A wellspring of creativity, joy unbound.

A masterpiece forged, from the heart to the hearth,

An artist emerges, crowned with newfound self-worth.

