Personalization Will Dominate Digital Marketing Trends in 2018

Erik Folgate
4 min readJan 11, 2018
Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

We are currently living in the “Culture of Me”. Everything we interact with from a digital perspective aims to personalize the experience between human and machine. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have literally become a household staple. Alexa is now a family member. Our refrigerator, thermostat, TV, and washing machine have silent conversations with each other.

Our cell phones deliver notifications specific to the content we’re most interested in.

Digital advertisements know our age, gender, search history, location, interests, hobbies, job titles, financial status, relationship status and more.

Netflix now has nearly the same amount of subscribers as cable subscribers.

Alexa, Siri, and Google Home are absorbing everything we ask them. They’re understanding who we are by how we interact with them and delivering personalized content based on our conversational patterns with them.

Apple Music and Spotify are creating eerily relevant personalized playlists based on our past music listening patterns.

We’ve come to expect technology to absorb, understand, interpret, and deliver a personalized experience based on our tastes and preferences. Marketers struggle with getting the attention of their target…



Erik Folgate

Husband, father of three, and digital marketer. I like basketball, beer, coffee, and warm weather. I write about whatever is on my mind at the time.