Guess who I met at SXSW - Moonshot Edition

Erik Ibarra
3 min readMar 17, 2017


Even after landing on the Moon we had yet to invent the first general microprocessor, fiber optics or even the microwave oven. So why do we lend so much credence to the term Moonshot? Because Moonshots are polarizing. Despite all criticism and lack of resources, they forge and inspire people in the direction of one goal. You may know Steve Case and Vice President Joe Biden, but let me tell you about how they inspire me and countless others to shoot for the moon.

Literally bumped into Steve Case walking in dowtown Austin one night at SXSW’17. Also had the honor of meeting VP Joe Biden at the Connect to End Cancer event after his speech.

The Rise of the Rest

Even though I took the above picture this year, I heard Steve Case speak at last year’s A Roadmap for Innovators. Steve spoke about sectors like healthcare and education someday being just as connected as the banking or finance industries. He spoke about his book Rise of the Rest and about the needs of developing and underserved communities. Not only will they be just as connected but they will be solving the problems that are facing their own communities. Right then, three main points hit me. First, Silicon Valley is not serving Second Ward needs. It gave me even more fuel to fire my passion for helping kids in the neighborhood I grew up in. Second, it let me know that even the most successful of tech entrepreneurs hasn’t forgoten about those less fortunate. And third, I realized it is up to me to help. Even if I have to do it alone, I will make a difference. I suspect however, that I am not alone in this.

To the Moon and Back

I had zero expectiation for meeting VP Joe Biden this weekend. In fact, I knew going into SXSW’17 that I’d be working on a portion of his event but in another hall. So, when I received a wristband the morning of and just hours before he was to speak, I was thrilled. His talk highlighted the history of the Cancer Moonshot Initiative, he spoke in detail about his son Bo, and spoke about cancer patients and survivors today. I could never do his words justice so I will spare you an attemp at quoting him. But I will share this. I couldn’t imagine how he kept his composure, because at the same time, I was struggling to keep it together. It was heavy at times, as it should be, and just from his sheer bravery he inspired a lot of people that day. But it was his vision for the path forward that was most inspiring to me. At the end of his talk I walked up to the front, still not thinking I could get close enough to shake his hand. But then it happened. I found myself shaking the hand of a truly great man. I could think of but one thing to tell him, “Mr. Vice President, I was really inspired by your words. I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say, we’ll follow you to the moon and back.”

Your Moonshot

I share these experiences with you not only to insire you to pursure your own moonshots, but to also find those that share a similar vision. You may not be VP or the guy that got America online, but you can inspire others to shoot for the moon. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or via Twitter. I wanna hear about your moonshot!

Guess Who Else I Met

Please checkout these other great interactions from SXSW’17:
Guess who I met at SXSW — Impact Edition
Guess who I met at SXSW — Madison Edition

