We Need Heroes More Than Ever

Erik Reynolds
5 min readOct 16, 2018


Inundated by a steady stream of bad news, the era of peak content and the products that deliver fandom to our homes like Loot Crate may be the salve for an aching soul.

Wait, what just happened? What incredibly hard to fathom thing just broke the internet?

There doesn’t seem to be enough cute animal gifs in the world for what is happening in today’s news. But that’s okay because we have our heroes, those magical characters from film, tv and video games that lift us up and make us feel like it’s all going to work out. They’re the comfort food to that part of our psyche that feels like we can be heroic in the moment too. Our best selves.

If you’re into collectibles, comics, superheroes or video games, it’s very likely that you’ve seen someone unbox one of Loot Crate’s 20 different fandom-focused collectibles crates in your social feed. Loot Crate partners with the largest movie studios, game companies, comics publishers, professional sports leagues and personalities to deliver monthly themed mystery crates of officially licensed apparel and collectibles to fans around the world.

It used to be that as kids we’d surround ourselves with comics, toys and VHS’s (look this up if you’re under 30) of our favorite characters to act as artifacts and amulets to ward off the villains, evil spirits and the ghosts that go bump in the night, but as adults we’ve shed a lot of those superstitions. Maybe we need these heroes and talismans more than ever.

There have been three watershed moments in recent history that prove we rally behind fictional heroes and the talented people that bring them into our homes, because they still give us the courage to be our best selves and fight for what we feel is right.

When Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman climbed over the top of that trench in war-torn World War I era Europe, who didn’t think of the strong female role models in their lives?

When Black Panther and Wakanda came out of isolation and addressed the United Nations, who didn’t get chills: “Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than divides us. But in times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”

And finally, when Brie Larson revealed that she would be the actor to launch the Captain Marvel franchise for Marvel, who didn’t feel a little safer, even when we know her character is imaginary and things like climate change are very, very real.

Thank goodness for peak TV, incredible films and collectibles.

Founded in 2012, Loot Crate redefined the subscription model era of silicon beach backed startups with a focus on fandom and the heroes that inspires us. Not satisfied with just putting stuff in a box, the team set out to strengthen the bonds between mega franchises and their biggest fans through an ongoing monthly relationship that resulted in meteoric growth of more than 500 thousand subscribers in less than 6 years, and landing them on the cover of INC Magazine as the fastest growing private company in America. All built upon the idea that fans want artifacts of their favorite fandoms and heroes.

Since then they’ve continued to grow into new channels like retail through an exclusive partnership to curate collectibles in Walmart stores nationwide, to redefining collecting through new digital offerings like the upcoming Loot Play Indie Games subscription. Loot Crate achieved this success by focusing on its mission: To Unite And Inspire The World Through The Shared Celebration Of Fandom. This idea that we can all be brought together by a fictional character, or by the shared love for a universe created by someone we admire is important, especially in a time that often feels pretty bleak.

So what are the fandoms that are bringing Looters together?


  1. The Original Loot Crate — A monthly mystery crate for pop culture fans filled with incredible and exclusive items and apparel from your favorite tv shows, movies, games, and more!
  2. J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World — Loot Crate picks a major event or theme from the wizarding world and put together a bundle of official collectibles, apparel and more that you can’t find anywhere else!
  3. Loot Gaming — Loot Crate picks a few different games that share a common genre or idea and put together a bundle of collectibles, apparel, figures and more that you can’t find anywhere else!
  4. Loot Wear — Wear your geekiness on your sleeve (and socks, and… elsewhere). Express your love of geek, gaming, pop culture and fandom by incorporating it into your everyday attire.
  5. Loot Anime — Loot Crate pick a few different anime/manga series that share a common genre or idea and put together a bundle of collectibles, apparel, figures and more that you’ll love!

Loot Crate prides itself on building positive communities, being both fan and creator-focused, and creating a monthly care package of goodies that feel like you’ve got a friend at the studio. In a time of such uncertainty, a monthly care package from a friend with the heroes that make you feel a little more brave, a little more safe may be the best gift we can give to ourselves or a friend.



Erik Reynolds

VP of product marketing and comms for Loot Crate. Games, Tech and Esports Storyteller. Advisor to startups and entrepreneurs. @buzzspinner on Twitter