Generate Annotations for CreateML with Python (JSON Format)

Erik Solís
3 min readJun 29, 2019


Python script which generates annotations in JSON format required for training object detection models using CreateML.

CreateML requires a list of dictionaries with information about the selected bounding boxes: center and size (height and width) of the bounding box.

Link to GitHub repository:

Code Description

The following code shows how to draw bounding boxes using matplotlib library. Functions ‘line_select_callback’, ‘toggle_selector’, ‘onkeypress’ where found on the matplotlib documentation. It allows us to iterate over an image folder, draw bounding boxes and get the corresponding top left and bottom right coordinates of the drawn bounding box.

import os
import cv2
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector
def line_select_callback(clk, rls):
global tl_list
global br_list
tl_list.append((int(clk.xdata), (int(clk.ydata))))
br_list.append((int(rls.xdata), (int(rls.ydata))))
def toggle_selector(event):
def onkeypress(event):
global tl_list
global br_list
if event.key == 'q':
generate_json(tl_list, br_list)

tl_list = []
br_list = []

The ‘generate_json’ function uses the top left and bottom right coordinates to compute the center, heigth and width of the bounding box. Also it declares the corresponding dictionaries to generate the annotations. Once created the dictionary, it is appended to a list ‘annotations’ which stores the dictionaries of all the iterated images.

def generate_json(tl_list, br_list):
image_dict = {"image":'', "annotations":[]}
label_dict = {"label":'', "coordinates":{}}
coord_dict = {"x":int, "y":int, "width":int, "heigth":int}
center_x = int(abs((tl_list[0][0] - br_list[0][0])/2)) +
center_y = int(abs((tl_list[0][1] - br_list[0][1])/2)) +
width = int(abs(tl_list[0][0] - br_list[0][0]))
height = int(abs(tl_list[0][1] - br_list[0][1]))
coord_dict['x'] = center_x
coord_dict['y'] = center_y
coord_dict['width'] = width
coord_dict['heigth'] = heigth
label_dict['label'] = name_class
label_dict['coordinates'] = coord_dict
image_dict['image'] = file_name

The main function, create a list of all the files contained on the ‘path_folder’ and iterates over the images, calls the other functions and generates the JSON file containing a list of dictionaries of the images.

image_folder = 'path_to_image_folder'  file_name = ''
name_class = ''
annotations = []
tl_list = []
br_list = []
file_names = os.listdir(image_folder)
for file_name in file_names:
if file_name[0] != '.':
name_class, sep, tail = file_name.partition('_')
dir_file = image_folder + '/' + file_name

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
image = cv2.imread(dir_file)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(
ax, line_select_callback,
drawtype='box', useblit=True,
button=[1], minspanx=5, minspany=5,
spancoords='pixels', interactive=True
bbox = plt.connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector)
key = plt.connect('key_press_event', onkeypress)
print('Number of Processed Images:', len(annotations)) json_file = json.dumps(annotations)
with open('save_directory/Annotations.json', 'w') as f:

Run Script

Link to GitHub repository:

Pass the path of the image folder (image_folder = ‘path_to_image_folder’). Each image must be named with the corresponding class in order to detect the label, example: ‘dog_01.jpg’.

Run script

Code will iterate over all the images contained on the folder.

Now, you must draw the bounding box over the interest object. Once you are confident about the drawn bounding box, press “q” to generate and store the corresponding dictionary and continue the process with the next image.

A list containing the dictionaries of all images will be generated.

Finally a JSON file will be created.

Thanks for reading! :D



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