Get More and Better Ideas So You Can Write Consistently

Erik van Dijk
4 min readDec 23, 2023
Journal and pen on a table together with a cup of capuccino
Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

You’re an aspiring writer. You’re just starting out. One piece of advice you see over and over, is that you should publish frequent. Daily, preferably.

You come up with a subject for your first article easily as you know your own interests, but then it gets harder. It gets hard to come up with interesting things to write about.

This is the exact problem I ran into myself when I started out. And frankly, I think I’ve only just ‘solved’ it for myself.

I wanted to write consistently too. For me, doing stuff is the best way to learn a new skill. So I set out to write on a daily basis.

For the first week, it was super easy. Sure, the structure of my articles was shit, but I did write and publish daily. But then I started to struggle with ideas for my articles. So I did what most people do.

I quit.

But deep down I knew I wanted to keep on writing but what do you write about then? And then, all of a sudden, it clicked. I lacked clarity.

I had no set goal, no general topic to write about. So now I do.

And as soon as I had decided upon the general topic, tons of ideas came floating to the surface. So that issue is solved for me now. But how do you come to that point? That’s what…



Erik van Dijk

Business Controller. Learning to write. Sharing the progress. I'm in heavy need of creativity.