Customer Validation

How to Run Experiments for Product Market Fit

Use Pirate Metrics to guide you towards increased customer satisfaction, retention, and referral

Erik van der Pluijm
Published in
8 min readMar 29, 2019


Find the people that can’t do without your product. Photo by Carson Arias on Unsplash

When you have validated your idea and validated Problem Solution Fit, the next important milestone for your idea is Product Market Fit.

What is Product Market Fit?

There are many different conflicting definitions of Product Market Fit. Most are quite ambiguous, and make it difficult to understand when you have achieved it.

Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.”

– Marc Andreessen

While this definition by Marc Andreessen makes perfect sense, it is impossible to measure. What is a ‘good market’? What does it mean that the product can ‘satisfy’ a market?

If you have to ask whether you have Product/Market Fit, the answer is simple: you don’t.

— Eric Ries

The above statement by Eric Ries is profound, but it is no help to you if you are among…



Erik van der Pluijm

Designing the Future | Entrepreneur, venture builder, visual thinker, AI, multidisciplinary explorer. Designer / co-author of Design A Better Business