Mapping the Human Enterprise

Erik Kvam
5 min readMay 13, 2024


Mapping the Human Enterprise

To rescue the human enterprise in the long run requires strong action in the short run directed toward saving biodiversity and bringing the human enterprise within sustainable limits — Paul Ehrlich

What is the decision-making that is creating the planet’s ecological crises?

The decision-making that is creating the planet’s ecological crises is a decision-making system that may be called the “Human Enterprise.”

What is the Human Enterprise?

The Human Enterprise is …

… the sum of all the human decisions to extract things from the biosphere …

the sum of all the human decisions to extract things from the biosphere

… things like forests, fresh water, wildlife, soils and minerals — that may be called the “Things-We-Extract” …

… things like forests, fresh water, wildlife, soils and minerals — that may be called the “Things-We-Extract”

… plus all the physical flows of all those Things-We-Extract — things like forests, freshwater, wildlife, soils and minerals — from the biosphere and into the Human Enterprise …

all the physical flows of all those Things-We-Extract — things like forests, freshwater, wildlife, soils and minerals — from the biosphere and into the Human Enterprise

… plus all the human decisions to use all those Things-We-Extract — in the forms of energy, water, materials & chemicals, food & fiber and manufactures & structures …

all the human decisions to use all those Things-We-Extract — in the forms of energy, water, materials & chemicals, food & fiber and manufactures & structures

… things like energy, water, materials & chemicals, food & fiber and manufactures & structures that may be called the “Things-We-Use” …

things like energy, water, materials & chemicals, food & fiber and manufactures & structures that may be called the “Things-We-Use”

… plus all the physical flows of all those Things-We-Use — things like energy, water, materials & chemicals, food & fiber and manufactures & structures — within the Human Enterprise …

all the physical flows of all those Things-We-Use — things like energy, water, materials & chemicals, food & fiber and manufactures & structures — within the Human Enterprise

… plus all the physical flows of pollution from all those Things-We-Use from the Human Enterprise back into the biosphere …

all the physical flows of pollution from all those Things-We-Use from the Human Enterprise back into the biosphere

The map of the Human Enterprise depicts the entire physical relationship between human beings and the biosphere as:

  • the sum of all the human decisions to adopt Things-We-Extract options and Things-We-Use options for meeting human physical needs, plus
  • the sum of all the physical flows of Things-We-Extract (extraction flows), Things-We-Use (things-we-use flows) and pollution (pollution flows) created by all the human decisions to adopt Things-We-Extract options and Things-We-Use options.

Because human beings need both Things-We-Extract and Things-We-Use for meeting their human physical needs, the sum of all the human decisions to adopt Things-We-Extract options and Things-We-Use options may be called “Human Enterprise Decision-making” for meeting human physical needs.

The exponential growth of the Human Enterprise …

The exponential growth of the Human Enterprise

… has reached a point where the exponential damage to the biosphere from the extraction flows and the pollution flows of the Human Enterprise is outstripping the biosphere’s capacity to regenerate itself …

has reached a point

This exponential damage to the biosphere’s regenerative capacity is showing up as the big nine global ecological crises identified by the Stockholm Resilience Centre. These big nine planet-scale eco-crises are mapped as the orange areas beyond the Doughnut created by humanity’s “overshoot” of “planetary boundaries” …

the big nine global ecological crises identified by the Stockholm Resilience Centre … are mapped as the orange areas beyond the Doughnut created by humanity’s “overshoot” of “planetary boundaries”

The exponential damage to the biosphere from the extraction flows of the Human Enterprise (shown in blue-gray) …

exponential damage to the biosphere from the extraction flows of the Human Enterprise

.. is showing up as …

… eco-crises of freshwater depletion …

eco-crises of freshwater depletion

… eco-crises of deforestation and expanding deserts …

eco-crises of deforestation and expanding deserts

… and eco-crises of species extinctions and biodiversity loss …

eco-crises of species extinctions and biodiversity loss

The exponential damage to the biosphere from the pollution flows of the Human Enterprise (shown in orange) …

The exponential damage to the biosphere from the pollution flows of the Human Enterprise

… is showing up as …

… eco-crises of global warming and climate change …

eco-crises of global warming and climate change

… eco-crises of synthetic pollutants such as herbicides, pesticides and microplastics …

eco-crises of synthetic pollutants such as herbicides, pesticides and microplastics

… eco-crises of ozone layer depletion …

eco-crises of ozone layer depletion

… eco-crises of aerosol pollutants such as dust, smoke and sulfates …

eco-crises of aerosol pollutants such as dust, smoke and sulfates

… eco-crises of ocean acidification …

eco-crises of ocean acidification

… and eco-crises of phosphorus and nitrogen pollutants in rivers and coastal seas …

eco-crises of phosphorus and nitrogen pollutants in rivers and coastal seas

The human decision-making that is creating the planet’s eco-crises can be mapped — within the doughnut-shaped space — as the Human Enterprise Decision-making for meeting human physical needs, which is creating the planet’s ecological crises …

The human decision-making that is creating the planet’s eco-crises can be mapped — within the doughnut-shaped space — as the Human Enterprise Decision-making for Meeting Human Physical Needs, which is creating the planet’s ecological crises

In the next chapter, you will learn how to map the decision-making system — called “Political Economic Decision-making” for deciding who-gets-what — that is creating human society’s who-gets-what crises.

I’m currently publishing We Can Reverse the Planet’s Eco-crises in series format: one chapter at a time starting with Chapter 1 and continuing through Chapter 10 plus a chapter-length Appendix.

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Erik Kvam

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