A Case of the Mondays

Erin Elizabeth
2 min readJul 25, 2016


Yes. Yes, I do.

First, I just need to say that Office Space is a damn good movie, and I never understood how good until I started working in a Fortune 500 company where I spend my life in a cubicle. It’s just so damn spot-on funny. I wish someone would do a remake.

My very first thought when I went to shut off my alarm this morning was “I should call in” followed by a few rounds of snoozing and talking myself out of the idea. I zombie-walked through brushing my teeth and putting a dress on, then schlepped to my car and drove my tired ass downtown. I’ve managed to salvage my attitude a little, but I honestly think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. That’s ok, right? To be pissed and irritable just because? When I type it out I sound like a dick…

Even though I want to slug around and only eat chocolate and tacos, I’m gonna go to the gym tonight. I’m hoping some cardio will get my blood moving and help get rid of the negativity.


