Blinkers Organize Drive for Hurricane Relief

Erin Sandberg
3 min readOct 11, 2019


Two life-long volunteers strategized to make a difference.

Andrea Hernandez (left) and Mónica Álvarez-Arteaga (right)

Helping people comes naturally to those who work at Blink Health (aka Blinkers) — especially those who work in our Customer Experience department. They help patients 365 days a year to make sure they get the medications they need.

It’s no surprise, then, that two Blinkers from our Customer Experience department thought to rally the company to provide relief to those suffering the effects of Hurricane Dorian. Mónica Álvarez-Arteaga (Telehealth Product Support Associate) and Andrea Hernandez (Customer Success Agent) led a company-wide effort to collect items to send to the Bahamas to help those in need.

The response to the drive was also no surprise: donations (and support) came pouring in. Here’s what Mónica and Andrea had to say.

Blink Health: What prompted you to take action?
Mónica Álvarez-Arteaga: Andrea and I started talking around July regarding a group in the office that could get together and do volunteer work. We’d been thinking about different ways we could start volunteering.

Andrea Hernandez: After seeing how devastated the island of Abaco was, I felt compelled to take action to help.

MAA: I experienced Hurricane Maria when it swept Puerto Rico in 2017. Seeing these images and hearing videos of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas was truly heart-wrenching. I remember the feeling of helplessness and uncertainty. So I mentioned to Andrea, “Hey, why don’t we pitch for a Hurricane Dorian relief drive for the Bahamas?” And that’s where our minds started rolling.

BH: So, how’d you make it happen?
AH: I approached our department’s management with the idea, which they fully supported. With their approval, we emailed the People and Culture team with the idea, which they liked and had us submit a formal proposal. Once we had the proposal and flyer approved, that was when we made the announcement to the company.

BH: Had you ever done something like this before?
AH: In high school, I was president of the volunteering club where we held annual food drives for Thanksgiving, coat drives in December and helped at various volunteering events throughout the city. In college, I participated in annual volunteering events, as well.

MAA: When I was in high school, I was in a volunteering club, as well, called Manos Unidas, which translates to “United Hands.” In this group, we conducted drives, accepting anything from over-the-counter medications and first aid kits to clothes, toys, non-perishable food, etc. During Holy Week, half of the group would go to Guatemala and the other half went to Honduras to deliver these donations. We’d go with a pair of doctors and treat all kids and adults with any health issues. Seeing their faces when we brought out the donations was priceless.

BH: And what was the response like here at Blink?
MAA: Pure gratitude — many Slack messages came our way letting us know how thankful people were that we were doing this and asking about how many donations they could bring. I really felt the warmth! In terms of donations, we got 13 boxes worth of supplies that we personally delivered to the Bahamian Consulate.

AH: I am very grateful to everyone who donated in bulk for the drive! Seeing our donation boxes fill up every day with first aid supplies and baby supplies and clothing was very exciting!

MAA: Seeing how the donations kept accumulating and overflowing in some of the boxes was surely satisfying. I’m very grateful for everyone who donated. The face of the volunteers in the Bahamas Consulate was priceless! They told me to tell Blink: thank you so much!

Here’s what organizing a charity drive at Blink Health looks like.

Blink Health is not insurance. The discount prescription drug provider is Blink Health Administration, LLC, 536 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10012, (844) 366–2211,



Erin Sandberg

Writer at Blink Health, seeking to help people understand and navigate the prescription drug landscape // Master of Science in Health Communication