ComponentDoesWhat? React Native Cheat Sheets

Erin Fox
3 min readFeb 7, 2018


Before I started my job at Major League Soccer, I only had one week of React training. Great news when I was about to join a team of React engineers to rebuild their mobile app in React Native, right?

Over 6 months have gone by now and I have learned SO MUCH, it’s crazy. From pair programming on custom gestures, getting mind twisted with flex-box, to working on GraphQL queries, it’s been loads of information. I frequently take notes of random words to look up later, and new tech I’ll eventually be using, but I never realized the power of my chrome bookmarks.

Having the following links easily accessible while I am coding saves me a lot of time and stress. Hopefully they’ll do the same for you.


I usually tend to forget how the lifecycle methods function. ComponentDidWhat? This makes “command f” a magical thing for this site. The filters and tags allow it to be even more glorious.


“The Awesome Git Cheat Sheet” needs no further explanation. (oh, but ++ because it’s build in React)

Flex / Layout

Courtesy of Dror Biran

There’s been days when I wanted to pull my hair out because my flex style properties weren’t working the way I wanted them too. These 3 sites really help visually by seeing what each property does. Even the zombies help.

SVG Optimizer

I feel like an SVG queen whenever I use this handy conversion site.

Easing Functions

Not only is it really fun to hover over all of these functions to see their animations, it’s really helpful.

Images (when you have no images)

I spend way to much time trying to find placeholder photos. is quick and makes it exciting to see what the next image will be. Command r. Command r.


Pretty much (almost) everything you need to get started with GraphQL is here.

Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter!

