Learn new things in an effective way

Eris Erlangga
4 min readOct 26, 2021


Master yourself in many things is possible!

Illustration by Julia from Ouch!

Why are there people who can speak many languages or have multiple abilities and are experts at it? What kind of brain do they have? Is it possible for us to learn new things and develop like them? Some of us may think that this is crazy and that only the chosen ones have this kind of blessing. But you know what, all this time we have been thinking that wrong! It is very possible that we are learning many new things, yes, I said we, all of us. The next question is… how?

Understand how our brain works.

In the MOOC Learning How to Learn at Coursera, I learned that our brain plays the most important role in storing or memorizing any information or material we need to learn. Memories are fluid and change over time. Therefore, we need to maintain our memory system in our brain by learning certain things over time rather than learning everything at once.

According to Barbara Oakley, professor of engineering at Oakland University, we have two different modes of thinking, the focused mode and the diffuse mode. In the focused mode, we concentrate on trying to learn or understand something. The diffuse mode, on the other hand, is the more relaxed style of thinking. Both help us learn in different ways, and it is important to switch back and forth between these two modes when learning.

How can sleep help us learn?

Studying a lot without getting enough sleep does not help your brain optimise its performance by absorbing all the material and knowledge you need to understand your study. Instead, it can promote diseases like headaches, depression, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a professor of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester and author of the study in Science, says sleep is like a dishwasher. It clears out harmful toxins, a process that may reduce Alzheimer’s risk. It’s our brain’s way of keeping itself clean and healthy, an important part of memory and the learning process. Sleep also helps us to figure out complex problems and understand what we are trying to learn.

How can walking help us think?

There is a correlation between walking and brain volume. Research has shown that walking is associated with a lower risk of developing cognitive impairment. Many experiments have also shown that people perform better on memory and attention tests after or during exercise or a walk. So if you need a little creativity in learning or problem solving, try going for a walk for a while. Enjoy the greenery around you, the fresh air, and let your brain dive into its diffuse mode to gather the ideas it needs.

Breaks are just as important as learning itself.

As mentioned earlier, studying a lot without getting enough sleep or rest will not help you. Try using a powerful tool like the Pomodoro Technique to help you focus and still be able to take a break while you study. It’s simple: set the timer for 25 minutes and study for that time with focus and no distractions. After that, you can reward yourself with a 5 minute break. This marks the completion of the Pomodoro. Every 4 Pomodoros you have earned a longer break! It’s proven to increase our productivity, resist distractions, and give us more time.

You can also use this Pomodoro technique on a larger scale for your daily study schedule. Instead of pushing yourself to study non-stop for hours, try studying a specific topic for 15 minutes every day. And take a break after 3 or 5 days. This helps your brain remember what you learned the day before and strengthens your long-term memory for that topic.

Things to keep in mind when learning.

The illusion of competence.
One of the mistakes in learning is the illusion of competence. It is a state where you try to learn something new by simply looking up the materials or notes and just looking away. Instead, try to practice and remember what you have learned to gain a deeper understanding of the material

Admit it, we sometimes procrastinate even when we are in the process of learning something. That’s because procrastination offers us temporary excitement and relief from boring situations: It’s our new addiction. Luckily, there are tools like Pomodoro to help us fight procrastination and increase our productivity.

Have you ever repeated something you already know perfectly over and over again just to make sure you are good enough at that particular subject? Repeating the material for better understanding is acceptable and often useful, but you need to be careful. This can be a trap called Einstellung, where you let yourself master the easy stuff. In this situation, your mind or neural pattern may prevent you from coming up with a better idea or solution. To counter this situation, you need to balance your studies by focusing on the more challenging material to hone your knowledge and skills.

It’s show time!

Now that we have learned about some powerful tools to help us learn effectively, it is important to put them into a real practice. Try out the above techniques for yourself and let me know what you find different compared to your usual learning techniques!

