The Evolving Business Casual Dress Code for Workplaces in 2023

Erika Taylor
3 min readJul 25, 2023


The concept of business casual attire has seen significant changes over the years, with workplaces embracing more relaxed and inclusive dress codes. In 2023, the definition of business casual continues to evolve, reflecting a blend of professionalism and comfort. This article explores the current trends and guidelines for business casual dress codes in workplaces, striking the right balance between maintaining a polished appearance and accommodating employees’ diverse styles.

Embracing Individuality

In 2023, workplaces are increasingly recognizing the value of individuality and self-expression through clothing. While certain industries may still uphold specific dress code norms, many organizations now encourage employees to incorporate their personal style into their business casual attire. This shift fosters a more inclusive and creative work environment, promoting a sense of authenticity among employees.

Versatility and Flexibility

Flexibility is a key theme in modern business casual dress codes. Instead of rigid guidelines, workplaces in 2023 allow for versatile outfit choices that adapt to different work activities. For example, employees may choose from a range of options, including tailored trousers, skirts, blouses, dresses, or well-fitted collared shirts paired with clean-cut denim. This approach ensures that employees feel comfortable and appropriately dressed, regardless of their daily tasks.

Adapting to Seasonal Changes

In 2023, businesses are mindful of the seasonal demands on attire. Dress codes may adjust to accommodate weather variations, allowing employees to wear lighter fabrics and more relaxed clothing during warmer months while encouraging layering and professional outerwear in colder seasons. This flexibility ensures that employees can remain comfortable and focused on their tasks throughout the year.

Relaxed Footwear Options

The footwear landscape in business casual dress codes has broadened. In 2023, organizations often allow employees to wear polished and comfortable shoes, such as loafers, ankle boots, or dressy sneakers, as long as they maintain a professional appearance. Traditional dress shoes remain a suitable choice for more formal occasions or specific roles.

Striking the Right Balance

While workplaces embrace a more relaxed dress code, there remains an emphasis on striking the right balance between comfort and professionalism. Employees are encouraged to avoid excessively casual clothing like ripped jeans, flip-flops, or athletic wear. The goal is to maintain a polished image that aligns with the company’s values and the expectations of clients and stakeholders.

Culture and Industry-Appropriate Attire

It is important to note that dress codes may vary depending on the company’s culture and industry. While some organizations adopt a more casual approach, others may maintain a more traditional or formal dress code to uphold their brand image or industry standards. Employees should always be aware of their workplace’s specific guidelines and adapt their attire accordingly.


In 2023, the business casual dress code has evolved to accommodate the changing needs and expectations of the modern workplace. Embracing individuality, offering versatility, and prioritizing comfort while maintaining a professional appearance are the hallmarks of contemporary business casual attire. Striking the right balance between a relaxed dress code and industry-appropriate attire allows employees to express themselves while representing their organization with pride and professionalism.


Erika Taylor
MyHub Intranet



Erika Taylor

Dedicated to improving workplace culture and fostering effective collaboration. Writer at