Recall — Sci-fi Story

Erm K
2 min readMar 17, 2023


Part 1: The Signal

The SRA Space Agency had been scanning the deep reaches of space for years, hoping to find signs of life beyond our planet. Then, one day, they received a signal that would change everything. At first, the signal seemed like nothing more than random noise. But as the experts analyzed it further, they began to see patterns emerge. This was no natural phenomenon — it was a message, carefully crafted by an intelligent civilization.

Part 2: The Message

The SRA went into overdrive, setting up a team to decipher the message and figure out where it was coming from. For months they worked tirelessly, piecing together the alien code until finally, they had a location: a distant star system that had never been explored. The message was a greeting, a request for contact, and an invitation to join an intergalactic community.

Part 3: The Arrival

With the help of advanced technology, the SRA was able to send a message back to the alien civilization, accepting their invitation and announcing their arrival. Months later, the first ship of the alien fleet arrived in our solar system. It was a magnificent sight to behold, a sleek silver craft that moved with an almost ethereal grace.

Part 4: The Encounter

The SRA sent a team to greet the aliens and establish communication. The aliens were humanoid in appearance, with pale blue skin and long, slender fingers. They communicated through a series of clicks and whistles that the SRA team was able to interpret using special technology. The aliens were friendly, eager to establish a peaceful relationship with humanity.

Part 5: The Departure

After several days of communication and cultural exchange, the alien fleet departed, leaving humanity with a sense of wonder and possibility. The SRA continued to monitor the signal, hoping for more contact in the future. For the first time in human history, we knew that we were not alone in the universe, and the possibilities for exploration and discovery seemed endless.

