Herobrine: The Legend

Ernest Chae
2 min readJan 4, 2020


What is Herobrine? Who is Herobrine?

Sometime in the development of Minecraft Alpha edition, a mysterious video appeared on the internet, claiming that they had came across some sort of unknown, spooky enitiy.

First ever picture of Herobrine.

Within a few days, the entire Minecraft community was exploding with who or what this mysterious figure was. It was only a few days when the internet dubbed the entitny with the name Herobrine. A few months later, the media was already being flooded with videos claiming that they had seen Herobrine, although some were later proven to be a hoax. Many speculated that Herobrine was the Minecraft creator, Notch, dead brother. But that theorey was later debunked with an interview with Notch himself, claiming that he’d never had a brother.

Notch claiming that Herobrine is not real.

Despite this suffering blow, the community refused to believe that Herobrine was all but a hoax, and stories and videos were flowing in at a steady rate. Then, the Minecraft update 1.3 came out, and in the end of the list of all fixed and updates, (mainly minor fixes and bugs), it stated that Mojang had promptly removed Herobrine from the game. This led many to believe that Herobrine was indeed very real, and even went as far to claim that Herobrine was still in the game. From then, every single update ends with the saying, “Removed Herobrine.” As Minecraft slowly died out, Herobrine turned one mysterious sighting, to an ubran legend. Herobrine could have well been a programming mistake, or a cleverly photoshopped photo. However, we will never know for sure whever this infamous myth truly rules the realm of Minecraft or not.

