Back To Africa Is Not Communal Living; Back to Africa is Nation Building

ernest edwards
6 min readMar 8, 2023


If I want to live in a Commune with other like-minded people, I don’t have to leave the United States of America, or the Americas (North, Central, South, and the Caribbean Islands) to do that. But if I want to build a new nation for CHOSSA (Children of Stolen and Sold Africans), I must return HOME, to Africa.

In my previous post I briefly talked about Back to Africa, and what it means to me.

My return Back to Africa means moving to Nchia Mababu, a New Territory ceded to us for use, by our African brothers and sisters, for just compensation, meaning the development of a partnership, a true business partnership, unlike the exploitative agreements with European villains like Cecil Rhodes, Jan Smuts, etc., and the ‘Court Factors’ who financed them.

The following criteria were used to determine the proposed location for such a herculean task:

1. Is the land presently uninhabited?

2. Are the present nation or nations underpopulated?

3. Is there an initial common language base?

4. Are the leaders and the people of these nations Pan-African?

5. Is the land fertile and minerally rich?

6. Do the nations have a need for the academic, intellectual, technical and manpower skills that an African centered University can provide to their people?

7. Do the nations themselves share a common history and cultural heritage that would allow for an association or amalgamation at some point soon?

8. Are there adequate natural resources (water, wind, sun) to generate the power for the necessary infrastructure of a new city-state of ten million (10,000,000) people?

9. Is there any existing means of transportation modalities available to reach the site?

The answers to these questions are all affirmative for our New Territory.

The initial site is at the conjunction of the borders of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, and Namibia. Nchia Mababu (Swahili, “Land of our Ancestors”) will be the name of our new Nation, with Nyerere as its Capital City. Obviously, we need to negotiate with all four nations to secure the opportunity to develop Nchia Mababu.

No people can come together, work together, and remain together without a common information base (knowledge, wisdom and understanding), common goals (freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity), and a similar lifestyle (a righteous-based value system of laws that are scientific and mathematically demonstrated in their efficacy).

“…craft tools are all the tools that can be invented and produced by one individual alone in the wilderness, such as spears, bows and arrows, pottery, baskets, fire, etc., whereas the industrial tools are all tools that cannot be produced by one human.

Because it takes two humans to produce the need to communicate and to invent the means of communications, we say that the spoken word was the first industrial tool.

‘In the beginning (of industrialization — i.e., technologically effective human cooperation) was the word’. The spoken and comprehended word greatly expedited the development of humanity’s information on how to cope with life’s challenges.”

R. Buckminster Fuller, The Critical Path

Information is the most fundamental and significantly important factor in the foundation and formation of a new society. Just as “In the beginning was the word”, so shall it be for our new Society. We are now at a new beginning, and we must recognize the importance of the ‘word’, or ‘verse’. Uni-verse, “one word, one united whole, one truth, mathematically demonstrable”, that’s the basis and foundation, the very center of our new society.

We must and will establish the University of Uhuru (U of U), as the ‘Center’ of our new society. Center is defined as, “A point equidistant from all points on the sides or outer boundaries of something: a point around which something revolves; axis; a place of concentrated activity or influences; a person or thing that is the chief object or attention, interest, activity or emotion.

The University of Uhuru, (the Swahili word uhuru means freedom), U of U (you of you), will establish the common information base that will generate the tools (intellectual and physical) for us to achieve our common goals and objectives in a manner consistent with our balanced human nature, seeking progress/change, while maintaining certain cultural traditions established on/in truth.

Establishing the University of Uhuru as the Center of our new Society will generate a whole new way of living, and a whole new, free life. I believe we will find 400 university professors worldwide, who will leave their present location, and return to Africa, the birthplace of man to become the pioneers in developing a new university with a new standard based on the principles of Equism as a new economic paradigm.

A great example of how a university can spur the growth of a society is the story of the University of Bonn (Germany), founded by Frederick Wilhelm III, as Rhine University, the linear successor of the Academy of Prince-elector of Cologne, which was founded in 1777, one year after America’s Declaration of Independence.

One of its most famous graduates, of which there were many, was Karl Marx, who was born 5 months before the founding of Bonn U, in Trier, Germany, 1818. Ironically, 1818 was also the year the famous poet John Keats, at the age of 22, was stricken with tuberculosis, a respiratory infection that became an epidemic in Europe and the United States in the 19th Century. [100-year pandemics are a real]

The New Territory that I am talking about is approximately 31,400 square miles, with each nation contributing 25% of the total, or about 7,850 square miles. If one places a compass point in the middle of the Zambezi River where the borders of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, and Namibia intersect and construct a circle with a radius of 100 miles, one will circumscribe Nchia Mababu. Victoria Falls will be excluded from development and become Nchia Mababu’s National ‘treasure’; and for posterity, the true ‘Wonder of our new World.’

“a place where man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow Flowers.”

Chief Seattle, 1854

I am suggesting that throughout the Diaspora, bringing back home pioneers, of all colors (the concept of race, a man-made fiction to rule the world is ‘dead on arrival’ (DOA) in Nchia Mababu. The pioneers, with the physical and metaphysical resources they possess, provide all that is needed to build U of U. Our Human Resources Commission will develop and enforce guidelines that facilitate their responsibility to assist any citizen needing help for work placement and entrepreneurial opportunity, once immigration is approved by the Immigration and Repatriation Commission (IRC).

Our pioneers will possess the academic, vocational, technical, and intellectual talent drawn, world-wide, from people seeking freedom, justice and equality of opportunity and a true chance to start again and attempt to get it ‘right’ this time. If we don’t start it right, it won’t end right.

I am talking about 7,850 square miles of land from each nation, which is approximately 5.3% of Zimbabwe, 2,8% of Zambia, 3.2% of Botswana, and 2.4% of Namibia; land that is presently, virtually uninhabited and undeveloped. What do we offer in exchange for use of this land?

We will come to an agreement on the valuation for the land use; and then translate that into full, four-year scholarships for their students to attend the University of Uhuru, in perpetuity. Students will receive a true education to facilitate the growth and development of the participating nations, the individual students, and their families. Students will receive knowledge that is Africentric, not Eurocentric.

As U of U is constructed, which is synonymous with Nchia Mababu, we are producing products (knowledge, wisdom, and understanding) that our people need; and we are providing an opportunity for all Africans (all human life began in Africa, so technically, all humans are Africans); to return home to do something absolutely useful for self (in an individual and collective sense); causing an interaction between peoples and nations that will lay the foundation for the eventual Renaissance and Re-Unification of the World.

The University of Uhuru will produce sufficient graduates with the proper talent, skill, and ability, and Nyerere, will be the Capital of the amalgamation and re-union of the four nations. Nchia Mababu will also be the beacon, illuminating our path to Uhuru (Freedom), for CHOSSA and humanity.

Just imagine if black and white, along with the brown, yellow, and red peoples of our world united!

John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ captures it best.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

Proverbs, 18:21

So let’s get busy. Let’s build the University of Uhuru. Let’s build Nchia Mababu.

If my writing interests you, I hope you will pass it on to the folks who follow you, and also to the folks who you follow. I don’t write for money. My books that offer insight into who I am, and what I am about, are free. They can be found at my blog Please go to the Tab Links to Books, and click on either one, or both, for you perusal and assessment. I await your response.



ernest edwards

I quit America 10 years ago and now live in Grenada, W.I. You can reach me, and check me out at