Hoodwinked, Flim-flam, and Bamboozled! The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Personifies the Evil Dastardly Work of Scam Artists. Paulo Didn’t Know?

ernest edwards
6 min readMar 2, 2023


That was my reaction to Paulo A. Jose’s post that appeared on February 17, 2023, at injustice.com. Brother Paulo knew something was wrong, he just “fingered” the wrong culprit. As a former real estate developer and home builder, I jumped at the opportunity offered by Mr. Jose, to weigh in on the matter. The headline read:

Your House Doesn’t Help You Create Wealth. Your House Only Helps Governments Make More Money

I never got to the story. The headline was was enough fodder for my cannon. Brother Paulo, you are correct that “your house doesn’t help you create wealth.” Your error is believing that “your house only helps governments make more money.” Herein lies the deception.

I am very clear “that your house only helps “private bankers” make more money,” not the government.

Even though the US Treasury prints the dollar, the US government doesn’t issue its currency. The US dollar is sold to the 12 District Federal Reserve Banks, supposedly at the cost of printing, approximately 4 cents per bill (anywhere from $1 — $10,000 bills). Wouldn’t you like to buy a $100 bill for 4 cents?

The privately owned 12 Federal Reserve Banks of the United States that constitute the Federal Reserve System (the Fed), are the Central Bank of the United States. The Fed are the lenders to the United States Government; and its three hundred thirty million (330,000,000) citizens who presently hold the incredible debt amount of Thirty Trillion dollars ($30,000,000,000,000), which continues to grow.

Examining the organization and function of the Federal Reserve Banks and applying the relevant factors, we conclude that the Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA but are independently owned and locally controlled corporations.” — Lewis v. U.S. (Ninth Circuit Court)

It should be noted that:

“As the U.S. government was designated to become the biggest debtor to the Federal Reserve System by a handful of powerful international bankers, they made sure of the government’s ability to meet its debt commitments by introducing the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1913. It gave Congress the legal authority to tax income and establish a tax code for both individuals and corporations.” — Wealth by Stealth, Rolf Hackman, 2013

The ruling elite established tax loopholes for themselves and their corporations, while taxing the income of 99% of the American citizens and all corporations outside of their direct control. The other 9/10th of 1%, the Oligarchs and their minions, do not pay taxes on their wealth, and that coupled with the wealth of the ruling elite is far greater than the income earned each year by the ‘enslaved’ 7.9 billion workers. How absurd to know that you will be taxed your entire life on Earth under capitalism?

And what’s even more absurd is the propaganda that every person on the planet who uses the US Dollar, receives each and every time they handle their “Federal Reserve Note.”

“The coins and bills of the United States firmly pledge “In God We Trust.”

This is remarkable in a country whose Constitution guarantees the separation of Church and State.

If a school board required students in public school to say “In God We Trust” each morning, the board would transgress the First Amendment. But the Treasury, as required by federal law, must place the phrase “In God We Trust” on all coins and bills. Each day hundreds of millions of people hand this phrase back and forth when they exchange money. If the phrase means nothing, perhaps it should be changed to “In the Federal Reserve System We Trust.”

Today we feel a concern for the separation of Church and State which the ancient Greeks did not share. The divine and secular authorities in the city-states worked in unison. Despite the fact that coins in Greece were minted in the temples, control of the mints either began with the rulers of the city-states or quickly passed into their hands.

Nonetheless, several centuries passed before the face of a mortal as opposed to that of a god or goddess appeared on a coin. This first portrait, that of Alexander the Great, dates to approximately 300 B.C., about twenty-three years after Alexander’s death. Alexander had declared himself a living god but was not officially deified until after his death. The use of his image reflected this deification and opened the way for living rulers to make godlike portrayals of themselves on coins.” — Tad Crawford, The Secret Life of Money, 1994

In other words, private individuals who own the Federal Reserve Bank(s) pay four cents ($.04) for a bill, and then lend the money out, under your government’s law, through their banks, at an interest rate equal to, or greater than the cost of printing. They receive a 2,500% return of their purchase of a one-dollar bill ($1).

So, they don’t need to charge the US Treasury exorbitant interest. They can just enjoy paying pennies for currency that increases exponentially with the named ‘value’ of the bill ($1 — $10,000). I can only assume that the guy who came up with that scheme (the Federal Reserve Act of 1913) was handsomely rewarded.

By the way, did you know that The First Bank of the United States, designed by Samuel Blodget, Jr., and constructed in Philadelphia between 1795 and 1797 served as the temporary seat of government for the new nation while Washington, D.C. was being built.

The First Bank of the United States (privately chartered and owned) was the 1st seat of government’? There was obviously no separation between economics and politics.

“If a nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%. Whereas the currency — the honest sort provided by the Constitution — pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way.

It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue paper money. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the user and the other helps the people. If the currency issued by the people were no good, then the bonds would be no good, either. It is a terrible situation when the government, to ensure the national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold.

Interest is the invention of Satan.”

We know that European culture invented the concept of race, as well as the insidious immoral and unrighteous use of interest as a means of income. Back in my younger days, I called the white man the ‘devil’, meaning ‘of evil’ (from the French, d’evil)’. To me the European culture had produced human beings who were immoral, unrighteous, unjust, and corrupt. As Thomas Edison said, “Interest is the invention of Satan.”

Like Malcolm X, I too no longer believe in race, a man-made European construct to divide, conquer, and rule, as a means to judge other human beings. From my perspective, “scientifically, no valid fact regarding human behavior can be drawn from the melanin content of a human being’s skin. Melanin is a pigment.

I hope Brother Jose understands that private bankers, not the government, earn the interest charged on loans. Any revenue generated by government taxes all goes to pay off government debt to “private bankers.”’ It is the nature of Capitalism and the reason why “slavery” still exists in the form of human indebtedness to the “Court Factor.”

I hope to hear back from folk on this subject. Currency is the power that sustains life. We must understand economics if we are to find a solution to our problem. And as my man Albert Einstein said, “A problem cannot be solved by the consciousness that created it.” Capitalism is the cause of our problem, and therefore, it can’t be our solution. Equism is the Harbinger.

If my writing interests you, I hope you will pass it on to the folks who follow you, and also to the folks who you follow. I don’t write for money. My books that offer insight into who I am, and what I am about, are free. They can be found at my blog equism.net. Please go to the Tab Links to Books, and click on either one, or both, for you perusal and assessment. I await your response.



ernest edwards

I quit America 10 years ago and now live in Grenada, W.I. You can reach me, and check me out at equism.net.