Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks Was Fictional:

ernest edwards
6 min readMar 13, 2023


Paul “Daddy” Warburg” Was Real

The fictional cartoon character, Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks in the Little Orphan Annie series, was purportedly inspired by Paul Warburg’s life and times

Paul “Daddy” Warburg was not a fictional character. He was the real deal. He is called “Daddy” because he is the “Father” of the Federal Reserve Act, passed by the US Congress, and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. American citizens are presently in debt to the tune of $30 Trillion Dollars to the 12 privately owned Federal Reserve Banks that comprise the Federal Reserve Banking System, the Central Bank of the United States. Paul Warburg made it happen. Why? His banking family began as a “Court Factor.” (please see definition on Wikipedia)

According to Wikipedia, here is a piece on the Warburg family, including Paul.

Felix and Paul Warburg emigrated to the United States. There they became the two mainstays of the German-American branch, out of the five German born Warburg brothers. The brothers worked out of New York City where nearly all the male members formed a close bond with the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. investment banking firm. An American based, but internationally sound firm which at one time toyed with creating a branch abroad that was presumed would operate most efficiently with the aid of the families international connections.

While in NYC, Felix Warburg married Frieda Schiff , only daughter of Jacob H. Schiff, a banker who grew up in Frankfurt and had ties to the German Warburgs. Schiff financed most of the American rail system through his investment bank of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and interacted with newly American Warburgs, as brothers Felix and Paul each eventually made senior partner for, and each married into some of the prominent families with the investment banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., at the time, run by Schiff.

Beginning with the marriage of Jacob Schiff in 1875 to Therese Loeb, a daughter of co-founder Solomon Loeb, becoming a full partner in the business firm shortly after. In 1895, Paul Warburg married Nina Loeb, daughter of Solomon Loeb of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., having met her at the wedding of brother Felix Warburg who had married Jacob Schiff’s daughter, Frieda.

But, originally it was founding partner Abraham Kuhn who concentrated the family wealth and cemented business relations with newly immigrated distant cousin, Solomon Loeb, by his marriage to Kuhn’s sister. Shortly thereafter the two became full partners in their newly established New York banking investment firm of, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

I think you get the picture, but I am not done.

The Felix M. Warburg House in New York City is now the Jewish Museum, and Kfar Warburg in Israel is named for him. Otto Warburg, a cousin of the German-based Warburgs was a wealthy botanist who was elected head of the World Zionist Organization in 1911.

Please tell me the connection between being a botanist and being the head of the World Zionist Organization. The botanist part reminds me of the Chicago Irish mobster Dean O’Banion, and the Zionist part reminds me of Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky, so go figure?

Felix’s brother, Paul Warburg was one of the original founders of the board of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, a collection of 12 regional Reserve Banks headed by a Board of Governors which regulates and oversees private commercial banks. As one of the most prominent bankers of his time, his brother Max Warburg attended the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 at Versailles, as part of the German delegation.

I had to reread that one twice after I first read it. Paul Warburg, a trusted financial advisor to President Woodrow Wilson, and considered the ‘father of the Federal Reserve System’ (his son James was a trusted financial advisor to FDR), had one of his brothers attend the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 at Versailles as part of the German delegation. Here we have two brothers who countries were at war, making post-war decisions that determined how the ‘spoils of war’ were to be distributed. The Warburg family was on both sides. It’s like owning all 4 horses in a 4-horse race. Guess the owner of the winner?

During the Weimar Republic, Max Warburg served on the board (‘Generalrat’) of the Reichsbank from 1924 to 1933, under two successive chairmen, Hjalmar Schacht, (until 1930), and Hans Luther (1930–1933); until 1934, he was also on the Board of the Bankenverband. Max Warburg emigrated in 1938.

In the 1920s and 1930s, until the end of the Weimar Republic in 1933, Max Warburg also served on several Supervisory Boards (“Aufsichtsrat”) in industry, notably HAPAG, Blohm &Voss, Beiersdorf, and, until his resignation in 1932, as a member of the Supervisory Board (“Aufsichtsrat”) of the German conglomerate/ chemical firm known as I.G. Farben (Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben).

His brother Paul Warburg, who died in January 1932 — a year before Hitler was elected Chancellor — also served on numerous Supervisory Boards (“Aufsichtsrat”) including allegedly that of an I.G. Farben wholly owned US subsidiary.

…I.G. Farben or Interessen-Gemeinschaft (abbr. IG, lit. “community of interest”), Farben (abbr., lit., ‘dyestuffs’) was founded in 1925. Its predecessors being BASF, Bayer, Hoechst (now Sanofi), Aqfa, Griesheim-Elektron, and Weiler Ter Meer. Any of those names sound familiar, and whose “community of interest?”

…Most members of the German Warburg family had fled to the United States or Great Britain by the end of 1938. Eric Warburg, son of Max Warburg, returned to Germany as an officer (colonel) in the American Air Force and was influential in restoring German-Jewish relations and rebuilding Germany’s economic ties after the Second World War through his international business associations [With his family’s banking interests at stake, I am sure he was extremely helpful, “through his international business associations, namely the banking cartel his family owned.] …Eric’s son, also called Max, is currently a partner in M.M. Warburg & Co. in Hamburg.

…The Warburg family is thought to have originated from Venice, at which point they bore the surname del-Banco. The historical documents describe Anselmo del Banco as Jewish and as having been one of the wealthiest residents of Venice in the early 16th century. In 1513, del Banco was granted a charter by the Venetian government permitting the lending of money with interest.

And that’s when the fight broke out’, literally, and figuratively.

One banking family financed both sides of World War One, which was fought between nations ruled by monarchal families who were related (why were they fighting in the first place?). All three monarchal families received helpful financing from the Warburg banking family. I could name other banking families, including the House of Rothschild, who also participated and benefitted as well, but bludgeoning isn’t my thing.

Family monarchies had proven to be an inefficient way to control the masses so Zionists made the adjustment, and America, and it’s experiment called ‘democracy’ was promoted to ‘save humanity’. It has not worked. The January 6, 2021, U.S. Rebellion is proof. And those folks are not finished.

Democracy can’t work because Capitalism is the economic paradigm governing the Western world. Capitalism is the major cause of our present dystopia.

“A problem can’t be solved by the consciousness that created it.” — Albert Einstein

Paul Warburg died at his home in New York City on January 24, 1932, and was buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow, New York. At the time of his death, he was chairman of the Manhattan Company and a director of the Bank of Manhattan Trust Company, Farmers Loan and Trust Company of New York, First National Bank of Boston, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, Western Union Telegraph Company, American I.G. Chemical Company, Agfa Ansco Corporation, and Warburg & Company of Amsterdam. The Paul M. Warburg chair in Economics at Harvard University was named in his honor.

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ernest edwards

I quit America 10 years ago and now live in Grenada, W.I. You can reach me, and check me out at equism.net.