The Colony Called America: Company Town 3.0

ernest edwards
9 min readFeb 10, 2023


How dare I call America a colony, much less a company town? The truth is the truth. I assume you will agree with me that American was originally a colony of the British Empire. Our disagreement lies in your belief that America is no longer a colony, which is contrary to my belief. And to add ‘insult to your injury’, I am calling America a company town, because in its broadest form, it is.

“A town, city, or other municipality [governing agency] in which a single large business has a controlling influence over the economy and, sometimes, over the societal structure and local government.” — Your Dictionary

What a wonderfully accurate description of America, a government “… in which a single large business has a controlling influence over the economy and, sometimes, over the societal structure and local government.”

The Federal Reserve Banking System, the Central Bank of the United States, is “a single large business [that] has a controlling influence over the economy” and therefore, over societal structure and government.

Examining the organization and function of the Federal Reserve Banks and applying the relevant factors, we conclude that the Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA but are independently owned and locally controlled corporations.” — Lewis v. U.S. (Ninth Circuit Court)

Even though the US Treasury prints the dollar, the US government doesn’t issue its currency. The US dollar is sold to the Federal Reserve Bank(s), supposedly at the cost of printing, approximately 4 cents per bill (anywhere from $1 — $10,000 bills). Wouldn’t you like to buy a $100 bill for 4 cents?

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks who make up the Federal Reserve System of the United States, are privately owned by both US and UK banking cartels. They are the lenders to the United States Government; and its three hundred thirty million (330,000,000) citizens who are presently responsible, according to the 16th Amendment, and hold the incredible debt amount of Thirty Trillion dollars ($30,000,000,000,000).

How did America, the ‘richest nation’ on Earth, become the largest debtor nation on the planet? The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the ‘money changers’ “coupe d’état” and “coupe de grace.”

“Let me issue and control a Nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws.” — Meyer Amschel Rothschild, 1790

Rothschild went on to say,

“Who controls the issuance of money controls the government…the few who understand the system will either be so interested from its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from them.”

That it is an apt description of the United States Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) today. And please know, consequently, the world’s private bankers control the money supply for their own purposes, and any benefit to others outside their circle is inconsequential and only serves to facilitate their end.

On August 31, 2022, at 12:55 PM EDT, posted another Rob Wile news story that caught my attention, as most of his stories usually do. It is a prime example of the workings of a Company Town. Towns built by Hershey and Vanderbilt, as well as towns in Great Britain owned by the Windsor family are also great examples of how Company Towns work.

“Bank of America said it is now offering first-time homebuyers in a select group of cities zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages to help grow homeownership among Black and Hispanic/Latino communities.

The option will first become available in certain neighborhoods in Charlotte, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles and Miami. The new mortgage, called the Community Affordable Loan Solution, aims to help eligible individuals and families obtain an affordable loan to purchase a home, the bank said.

Applicants do not have to be Black or Hispanic to qualify for the product, a bank representative said.

As James Brown once sang, “please, please, please”, tell me you that you see the irony, and the contradiction. The Bank of America purports to offering Black and Hispanic/Latina Communities “zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages to help grow homeownership among Black and Hispanic/Latino communities.”

And yet, “Applicants do not have to be Black or Hispanic to qualify for the product…”

The point of my response to Rob Wile’s post is not whether folks benefit from homeownership, be they White, Hispanic/Latino, or Black.

My point is that the ruling elite, via capitalism, are the true beneficiaries by providing their workers with a mortgage. Company Town 3.0 in its finest, is in motion. For thirty years, and sometimes more (40-year mortgage), and sometimes less (15-year mortgage), you MUST go to work ‘religiously’ in order to provide the roof over your family’s head, as well as food for your table, and clothes on their backs. (Tennessee Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”, provides a clue). And to make sure you are a dutiful employee, the story discloses,

The loans require no mortgage insurance — the additional fee typically charged to buyers who put down less than 20% of the purchase price — and no minimum credit score. Instead, eligibility will be based on factors like timely rent payments and on-time utility bill, phone and auto insurance payments. Prospective buyers must also complete a homebuyer certification course provided by Bank of America and federally approved housing counseling partners before they apply for the loan program, the bank said.”

As long as you pay your bills (which means showing up to work every day to ‘earn’ a paycheck) and take their classes teaching you of your responsibilities to them, the ruling elite gladly offer you the chance to be enslaved for an average, 30 years of your life (think “9–5” by Dolly Parton).

If the loan were interest free, which is contrary to Capitalism, we could begin a conversation. Absent the advance (loan) being interest free, you have indentured/enslaved yourself to your employer for the better part of what’s left of your life.

The story goes on with statistics that could have you believe their efforts are altruistic. The story continues,

The racial gap in homeownership rates in the U.S. remained substantial in 2020, the most recent year for which National Association of Realtors data are available.

For white households, the homeownership rate was 72.1%. That compares with 51.1% for Hispanic households and 43.4% for Black households. The Black homeownership rate was lower in 2020 than it was in 2010, the NAR said.

During the pandemic, rising home prices and low housing supply have disproportionally impacted Black households more than any other race/ethnic group,” the NAR said in a report. White households are now 40% more likely to be able to afford to buy a home compared with Black households, the association said.

“Please, please, please,” don’t fall for the hype. They have identified an under-served market [Black and Hispanic/Latino communities] which will be very lucrative for selling money (that is what they do when they provide you a mortgage). And when property taxes, utilities, and maintenance are added, you are locked in, and ‘locked down’. And let’s not forget that health care and education are the most expensive items costing the majority of Americans today and must be factored in as monthly costs also.

The interest expense on the mortgage alone has you repaying the principal amount of the loan, and twice the loan amount in interest as well, and then some. You pay over three times the purchase price of the property, just to have the privilege of being a ‘slave’, [a job is a ‘slave’] for 30 years. And that’s only if you are obedient and responsible to them. (Think “Take this Job and Shove it”, Johnny Paycheck)

Rob Wile’s story continues,

“Bank of America and other major financial institutions [such as] Wells Fargo have checkered histories when it comes to mortgage lending to people of color and prospective buyers who have disabilities.”

Bank of America’s Countrywide Financial, a subprime lender it purchased in 2008, was fined $335 million in 2011 over claims that it charged Black and Hispanic homebuyers higher interest rates than white applicants.

In 2012, Wells Fargo agreed to pay $175 million to settle claims that it targeted people of color with risky home loans that were more expensive. And the city of Miami sued JPMorgan Chase in 2014, accusing the bank of predatory lending in communities of color.”

So clearly, there is no basis for you to believe that they are acting in the best interests of ‘people of color’. By the way, how do you like the expression, “checkered histories?” How about using the terms Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism to describe the devastation required to make Capitalism ‘king’.

Let’s get down to the real ‘nitty gritty’.

Both Bank of America and Well Fargo Bank are the largest shareholders of the 12th District Federal Reserve Bank, which is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Bank of America has Branch Banks at Los Angeles, California; Portland, Oregon; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Seattle, Washington, and covers the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, and serves American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

And JPMorgan Chase holds the same ‘honor’ within the 2nd District Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with Goldman Sachs. These ‘guys’, along with the other 10 Federal Reserve District Banks, set the interest rates that determine the ‘cost of money’ worldwide.

It is despicable, disrespectful, and wickedly wrong that you have to go into debt to purchase the basic necessities of life (housing, via a mortgage; food and clothing, via credit cards, and heath care and education via loans; just to hope that you, your spouse, and your children, receive a fair and equitable chance in life. You keep believing in your “Company” [America] to keep you employed long enough to pay your 30-year mortgage, if you live that long.

How will all of this get sorted? Capitalism is not the answer. Pope Francis said so.

On December 8, 2020, at 9:17 pm (EST), posted a story by Haley Messinger. The headline screamed:

Big business gets its wings as leaders from

Major U.S. Companies partner with Pope Francis

Capitalism met Catholicism on Tuesday, as some of the world’s biggest business and investment leaders announced

a new partnership with Pope Francis

As quiet as it’s kept, big business was and birthed with wings. And their partnership was only being renewed. It was like thunder, clapping loudly and forcefully, when I read Pope Francis’ statement regarding the Partnership. He said,

An economic system that is fair, trustworthy and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed.”

Pope Francis and I are in complete agreement.

Capitalism, never has, and never will, meet the needs of humanity. War, climate change, a 100-year pandemic, and the growing economic disparity between the European/Caucasian (10% of world population) and people of color (90% of world population) only exacerbate the problem. There is, an urgent need for a solution, and capitalism is not the answer. Capitalism is the cause of our problems. Our exigent circumstances demand change.

The Pope and his partners, even if they were truly sincere in their attempt (which they are not), are not capable of solving “the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet…”

I must repeat my mantra,

“A problem cannot be solved by the consciousness that created it.” — Albert Einstein

A very wise man once said that one need not condemn a dirty glass. He said sit a clean glass next to it and let the people decide which vessel they choose.

I am offering Equism, a new Economic Paradigm; a clean, clear, transparent glass, visible to the whole world. So, I will try to minimize my critique of something dirty, decadent, and deadly; and present the next phase of the management of our home, Mother Earth.

If my writing interests you, I hope you will pass it on to the folks who follow you, and also to the folks who you follow. I don’t write for money. My books that offer insight into who I am, and what I am about, including full details for the implementation of Equism, are free. They can be found at my blog Please go to the Tab Links to Books, and click on either one, or both, for you perusal and assessment. I have another book incubating.

Meanwhile, I await your critique.

Thanks again for your time, attention, and indulgence.

Peace and Love be with you.



ernest edwards

I quit America 10 years ago and now live in Grenada, W.I. You can reach me, and check me out at