Why Can’t You’ll Just Leave Us Alone?

ernest edwards
6 min readJan 23, 2023


The headline below, in the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper yesterday, January 22, 2023, forced me to ask myself that question again, but quietly to myself.

It is a question that CHOSSA (Children of Stolen and Sold Africans) folk often murmur under their breath when confronted with white supremacy. I am tired of being bothered, and that is why I quit American, and I am now actively working to build a new Model City (Nchia Baba Mababu, Swahili for Land of our Ancestors), on the Continent of Africa, with the University of Uhuru (Swahili, for Freedom) as its epicenter, to facilitate the work involved in the Redemption of Africa. It is now my life work. I hope you will want to help me. But for now, let’s get to Sister Fatima Husseini’s headline and post.

In Senegal, Yellen visits notorious ‘Door of No Return’


That door no longer exists in my mind, and neither should it continue to exist in your mind. As importantly, why is she there? needs to be addressed. In a moment I will share with you why the former Chairman of the Board of Governors of the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System, the Central Bank of the United States of America, consisting of the 12 privately owned and operated Federal Reserve Banks who distribute the US currency based on their will, via loans, which means debt, hence the hold Capitalism has on the neck and throat of humanity. [Think George Floyd]

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Banking System determine the supply of the US Dollar, and the cost of the US Dollar. They set the interest rate charged to the economy. This is done to facilitate their goals and objectives, and no one else. Ms. Yellen works for those folk and is now the Secretary of the United States Treasury. She is the American version of Christen LaGarde.

According to Wikipedia, Lagarde was born in Paris, France, into a family of teachers. Her Father, Robert Lallouette, “was born to a Jewish mother and a non-religious father.”…her mother, Nicole (Carré), was a Latin, Greek, and French teacher of unknown religious background. Notably, she is presently Head of the European Central Bank, and formerly the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Before that, she was the Minister of Economy, Financing, and Industry for her native France. The post began,

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen paid a solemn visit Saturday to the salmon-colored house on an island off Senegal that is one of the most recognized symbols of the horrors of the Atlantic slave trade that trapped tens of millions of Africans in bondage for generations.

“Gorée and the trans-Atlantic slave trade are not just a part of African history. They are a part of American history as well,” she said.

Yellen, in Senegal as part of a 10-day trip aimed at rebuilding economic relationships between the U.S. and Africa, stood in the Gorée Island building known as the House of Slaves and peered out of the “Door of No Return,” from which enslaved people were shipped across the Atlantic.

While she peered out, did she recall that it was with the financial backing of her European relatives, the European Banking cartels, that through their financial mechanisms, including shares and bonds, enabled the institution of Chattel Slavery to be created, which established and facilitated the immoral, unrighteous, unjust” and a most brutal and barbaric trans-Atlantic stealing and selling of Africans, something that must never be forgotten, nor forgiven. Back to the post.

She was guided on a tour through various corridors and tight quarters in the house, shaking her head in disgust at what she was told about the economics of how enslaved laborers were valued.

What an absolute joke it is that she feign disgust at “what she was told about the economics of how enslaved laborers were valued.” Janet Yellen personifies a dutiful employee of the economic Zionists, whose sole purpose is the maintenance of their economic hegemony. Their goal is to maintain their hegemony, via Capitalism, over our planet Earth, and all of its resources, both flora and fauna. She does not need anyone to ‘school’ her “about the economics of how enslaved laborers were valued.” She could teach the course.

“Gorée and the trans-Atlantic slave trade are not just a part of African history. They are a part of American history as well,” Yellen said later. “We know that the tragedy did not stop with the generation of humans taken from here,” she added.

Janet Yellen is as good as Christine Lagarde. They are cohorts working for the same ruling elite. Janet is capable of feigning ignorance; while admitting that “Even after slavery was abolished, Black Americans — many of whom can trace their descendance through ports like this across Africa — were denied [their Freedom].

Later, in an interview, Yellen said that while promoting diversity and racial equality is a key goal, “the administration has not embraced reparations as part of the answer.” The economic benefits that major slave-trading nations, including the United States, reaped for hundreds of years on the backs of unpaid laborers could amount to tens of trillions of dollars, research shows.

Paying reparations to CHOSSA in the Western hemisphere would bankrupt the United States economy and make the US dollar worthless, but that discussion is for another day.

And in the U.S., African slaves and their children contributed to the building of the nation’s most storied institutions, including the White House and the U.S. Capitol, according to the White House Historical Association.

Have you ever heard of Benjamin Banneker, the African Engineer who surveyed, laid out the architectural plans, and supervised the construction for the District of Columbia?

Yellen acknowledged the ongoing ramifications of that shameful past in her public remarks. “In both Africa and the United States, even as we have made tremendous strides, we are still living with the brutal consequences of the trans-Atlantic slave trade,” she said.

I know what they were for my folk, but what were, and are, the brutal consequences of the trans-Atlantic slave trade for you, your bosses, and your tribe Ms. Yellen?

“Please speak louder, I can’t hear you.”

In a guest book at the house, she wrote that it served as “an important reminder that the histories of Africa and America are intimately connected. While I am pained by its past, I am also heartened by the vibrant community I have seen here. I take from this place the importance of redoubling our commitment to fight for our shared principles and values of freedom and human rights wherever they are threatened — in Africa, in the United States, and around the world.”

Ms. Yellen, you know that CHOSSA like me no longer accept that we share the same values of freedom and human rights as you do. Let’s finish this sordid tale of lies and falsehood regarding her trip to Africa.

Yellen’s trip to the island is one that many dignitaries have made, including former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and South Africa’s Nelson Mandela. Today, Gorée Island is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The economically focused European Zionists are not relenting. The ruling elite make all of their employees (9/10ths of 1% of the world population) make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, the World Economic Forum, and select Africa countries as homage to them. The ruling elite always pull out their big guns in times of crisis.

Yellen’s stop there during a trip meant to revitalize U.S.-African economic relations is one that evoked the massive costs of the slave trade. The House Financial Services Committee in recent years has studied how U.S. banks and insurance companies profited from slavery.

Really? What about the benefits that a very few bankers reaped from Chattel slavery. Has the House Financial Services Committee researched the owners of the UK and US banking cartels who own and control the privately owned Federal Reserve System, the Central Bank of the United States of America. They really don’t need to research the answer to that question because they already know. They are the same people who they presently work for.

If my writing interests you, I hope you will pass it on to the folks who follow you, and also the folks who you follow. I don’t write for money. I stated my purpose in the opening paragraph. My books are free, and can be found at equism.net. Please go to the Tab Links to Books, and click on either one, or both, for your perusal and assessment.

Thanks for your time, attention, and indulgence in reading.

All the best and please stay safe,

Kojo Lumumba Bandele



ernest edwards

I quit America 10 years ago and now live in Grenada, W.I. You can reach me, and check me out at equism.net.