Corporations are increasingly developing renewable energy and reducing emissions

Yury Erofeev
2 min readSep 22, 2022

A joint report by WWF, Ceres, Calvert Research and Management, and CDP has been published under the title Power Forward 3.0. The paper analyzes the activities of the largest American companies in the fight against climate change.

48% of Fortune 500 corporations have goals in their internal documents to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop renewable energy sources, increase energy efficiency, or a combination of both. In the top 100 corporations (Fortune 100), “climate activity” is even higher — 63% of companies have set appropriate goals for themselves.

The most common category of the target for Fortune 500 companies was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (211 corporations or 42%). Fifty-three companies have set targets for the development of renewable energy. Last year there were only 42 such firms. It should be noted that many of the largest corporations use renewable energy sources to achieve their emission reduction targets without setting separate targets for RES.

The most significant new trend noted by the researchers is that an increasing number of companies are setting themselves the goal of running their operations 100% using renewable energy sources. In particular, we have already disclosed the respective plans of Apple, Google, and the world’s…

