Familiar faces

2 min readJan 30, 2023


Have you ever met someone that looked so familiar to you and then you stopped him/her to say hello, only to discover that it’s not the same person? Yeah,that happened to me this morning.

I had stopped this young man because he looked like someone I met once in church,then I realized midway that he wasn’t the one. Safe to say that I felt embarrassed, but we said our hellos,byes and quickly moved on.

This is similar to when we make certain decisions that look like they are the best. Often times,we make some decisions that end up not being the best on the long run and we start to wonder ‘Didn’t it look like the best initially’?

This is when discernment comes to play. There’s no man that discerns properly that regrets his/her decisions. There are many ways to discern.

Some of them are :

  1. Weighing all possible options,the advantages and the disadvantages
  2. How the decisions will affect you in the long run. Negatively or positively
  3. What’s influencing this decision? Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Is it good or bad company?

By the time you weigh all these things and you come to a reasonable conclusion then you can now boldly say that you have discerned rightly.

Hope this helps you in your further decision making in this year,2023.

See you at the top soon. Listening to Bainule by Samsong.




Eccentric quintessential writer. You are welcome to the place where you come alive in my thoughts and imaginations.