What is Database Management System (DBMS) — 6 Advantages

ERP information
5 min readJun 16, 2021


What is Database Management System (DBMS) - 6 Advantages

Before learning about a Database Management system, we have to learn what is Database.

A database is a group of inter-related data. It helps to track, retrieve, insert, and delete information easily and efficiently.


Database Management System (DBMS) is an assortment of programs and applications that are used to manage the database.

DBMS has a various set of the user who extracts and manipulate the data for a range of business and personal requirements.

It might be used by an administrator who basically ensures that the data stored in the system is secured and limits the free access to other users.

Some designers access the database to handle the design aspect of the same and make it more flexible and more data-pro to the users.

The last sect is the end-users who access the DBMS to collect and analyze the existing data for their needs.

Some examples of Database Management System


- PostgreSQL

- Microsoft Access

- SQL Server

- File Maker

- Oracle



- Clipper

- FoxPro

Database Management system

We can take a school database for example.

This school database is maintaining information about students, sections, grades, staff, etc. The database will be arranged as follows

- Student file: It stores all the information like name, residential address, phone number of parents of each student

- Section file: It stores the information of sections of each class

- Grade file: It stores the data of scores of each student

- Staff file: It stores the information about all the faculties of the school

Database Management System

Types of Database management system (DBMS)

- Relational database management system: It is one of the easiest database management systems. In this system data stores in rows and columns of the table

- Hierarchical database management system: In this database data is organized in a tree-like structure

- Flat-files database management system: In this system data stores in a plain file

- Object database management system: In this system data stored in the form of an object.

The DBMS architecture classification

The DBMS architecture can be classified as

- 1-tier: The user directly works on the DBMS and is solely responsible for all the actions he carries out on it.

- 2-tier: Here an application acts as a barrier through which the user can access the database. He cannot directly alter the data and hence is comparatively secure.

- 3-tier: Based on how the users are using the existing data in the server this system will divide it into 3 tiers being Presentation tier, Application tier, and Database tier. Depending on the complexity of data that prevails and the way it is used, companies build multi-tier DBMS that restrains the users from making any changes and ensures the existence of proper controls to keep it safe.

Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS


- Increases the data quality and ensures that the data is maintained by the business structure and its needs.

- Because of its centralized nature, it is easily maintainable.

- Reduces program maintenance and data hacking.

- Allows the authorized users of an organization to share data with multiple users.

- Protects the database. If there are multiple users, it allows to maintain data consistency

- Allows users to insert, modify, and delete the data in the database.


- This system is a little costly because the cost of hardware and software of the database management system is high.

- Many organizations stores data in a single database. If the database is destructed due to a reason like an electric failure the data may be lost or corrupted.

- If many users use the same program at a time, some data can be lost.

Functions of DBMS

- Create structured databases and supporting platforms for enhanced performance.

- Appropriate backup and data recovery operations to be set.

- Adequate security and anti-virus measures.

- Read and modify existing data if required.

Bigger organizations have complex databases. They must be able to support several users at one time, including several supporting applications and involves several databases.

What are the sectors use DBMS?The sectors that use DBMS are the education sectors, banking & finance sectors, airlines&railway reservation system, telecommunications, HR management sectors, manufacturing sectors, social media, online shopping, credit card sectors, etc.

Applications of DBMS in different sectors

Applications of DBMS in different sectors

- Manufacturing: Product-based industries manufactures different types of products and deliver them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. In this sector, DBMS is used to store information about products like the quantity of the products, product bills, supply chain management, etc.

- Banking & Finance: In banking, DBMS is used to store the customer transaction details and in the finance sector it is used to hold the data about sales, stocks, and bonds.

- Education sector: DBMS is very useful for this sector. Information about the students, their attendance, courses, fees, results, is stored in the database. Apart from this DBMS is used to store the staff data also. Many colleges and universities use DMMS for conducting online examinations.

- Credit card transaction: While purchasing a credit card and creating a monthly statement DBMS is used.

- Social media sites: Nowadays social media are the popular platforms to share our thoughts and views with the world and with our friends. Social media also allow us to connect with our friends. Millions of sign-ins and sign-ups happen daily for social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and so on. All these things happen with the help of DBMS that allows us to connect with others.

- Telecommunication: All telecommunication companies use DBMS. The database management system is crucial for this sector to store monthly postpaid bills and call details of the customer in the database.

- Railways & airlines reservation system: DBMS is necessary to store the data of ticket booking and also used to store the information of train/ airplane arrivals, departure, and delay status.

- Human resource management: Big industries have more employees. DBMS is required to store employee’s information like their permanent address, salary, tax, etc.

- Online shopping: To save time online shopping is helpful. Present days online shopping created a trend. People love to do online shopping through websites like Amazon, Flipkart. All the transactions such as products added, the products sold, generation of invoice bills, payments happen with the help of DBMS.

Get more definitions about database management system (DBMS) and other ERP related terms here.



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